Friday, September 17, 2010

the flag that everyone likes soooooooooo much that it keeps getting stolen and is fated to stay in the advocates room!!! :D

I guess this blog can become my camp blog liao. HAHAHAHA.

Leo Fusion Camp 2010 ended and it was a blast! :D made lotsa new frens which rox of course! remind me to keep stepping out of my comfort zone~ hahas. n i think this is one camp which i learnt a lot! it has a hell lot of reflections and theory like thingys and etc, but those ppl there are seriously smart sia =.=

learn all those theory theory things from Kheng Leng about how to be a good navigator that kind. n learning "tai ke wu" for the dance performance on the last nite of the camp, run through icebreakers, games trial etc etc. definitely not the most fun day, as everyone still struggling to know everyone. all the theory made me dread camp. (1st time i dread camp siol. some more no sense of excitement b4 camp at all =.=)

Day 1:
Icebreakers wif grp as usual. when was the first event ever not icebreakers. hahaha. i realised that the driving that game is called traffic jam. jam brake is elbowing ppl's thighs, reverse just turn n face the opp direction, hump ah just put 2 hands n bend down on the ground. still got lam da forget how do liao. LOL. then make group sail (flag) wif grp. our grp has like only 5 ppl :D most of them so quiet la. except siti :) n Penguin x2 is formed!!! erm flag drawing credits to justin? lmao.

then its the community challenge!~ quite fun. but it's a total waste of bus fare. n i really like the games that leo club plan de coz its like new lor! those kinda nvr play b4 kind. i like! 1st stop is at st gabs there. task is to sing national day song. then pick litter aft tat. our group likka zai only at singing. HAHAHAHAHA. super super epic. got justin wad =.= some more our grp alot sick ppl! woots. 2nd stop is at toa payoh near trellis towers de touch homecare outside. game is to piggy back someone and step into the boxes in the fastest time possible. Hui Jian carried me sia. i think that's my first time i got piggybacked by ppl. embarrassed :X hahaha. our group just nice 3 boys 3 girls ^^ ZAI!! 3rd station is the dining in the dark de. n got a station game which is blindfolding all the grp members, n then only 1 person is not blindfolded. the not blindfolded person have to instruct the other grp members to construct a given picture using ice cream sticks and straws. Xinyi kept saying our grp has the best instructions sia! ahem justin of course =.= n the dining in the dark part is quite cool siol!! its really total pitch black (except for those glow in the dark watches) and as usual i'm always the last to finish. paiseh :X then slack time. supposed to go to do the 4th station which is like handicapped de. then have to use chopsticks pick out the red n green beans using only 3 fingers. glad that i nvr go that station. hahaha. at 4.45 we reached raffles place to take the green line, then zhi hong called n so we headed back to clementi. reach clementi of course not so fast go back sch la :) went buy liang teh, and green tea at ntuc. hahaha. then slowly made our way back to sch. in sch still got one last station. the whole grp tie their legs tgt n we have to make our way through a obstacle course la. just twists and turns only. quite fun. the station master love our grp sia! coz we cheer for them n we walk like penguins shuffling along the whole course :D love my group!!!

then dialogue session wif trybe after dinner. quite interesting la. though quite some ppl over exhausted so like falling asleep. learn from their experience was quite funny la. n then debrief. 1st time i conduct debrief? i think. hahas. i tried to put wadeva i learnt to good use la. by my group too zai we just go straight into the open up n talk that part. no nid the thumbs up thumbs down method. as usual anything to do wif talking just throw to justin. n I FINALLY SLEPT AT LOFT SIA!!!! nothing special but at least i finally slept at loft lalalalas~ i feel so bloody inexperience la. the year 1s all tio shock that i year 2 alr still havent slp in loft. so i super zi high that i got to sleep wif my campers :) although my grp only 2 girls there, i got to know julyn n juliana who are celeste's frens. hahaha i noe i kaypo. i like to disturb ppl ^^ they are daren's grp de, n his grp doesn't have a female GL, so its dam shuang i get to bunk in :) i even got a bed sia, sharing room wif Song Huan. Siti slept outside in the living room wif Mardiah (also not my grp but we all know her ^^).

2nd day:
morning exercise wif "Giant Wizard Elf". Jonathan is a damn good giant since he does look like one. hahas. quite a fun game la. Giant steps on elf, wizar
d uses his magic to overcome the giant, and elf chews the wizard's feet. it's like scissors paper stone anw ^^ n the haha game is not fun so i shan't write here. hahaha. or more like, i very easy laugh de so got haha game or no haha game also no difference ^^

after breakfast the grp have to design a peace out poster. i'm glad that i dropped very subtle hints (like telling then wad the other grps have) n so they started exchanging for stuff they want from the other groups ^^ GLs not supposed to help out la. so i just see n let Jing Hong and Siti who lead majority of the discussion to think of what to put in the poster. 1st group to get started, but our grp being naive and simple minded ppl dun think too much about winning ^^ n thats when we noe Hui Jian is a black horse sia. under drowsiness medicine still can present until so ai zai. =.= but i still like our group's poster more coz it's so easy to understand ^^

that's our peace poster. n that's Soon Eng. ^^ NICE RITE?!?! the penguin is super cute.

after peace poster is lunch then it's activity based learning. not nice name rite. but it's called station games and telematch in other words. our team lost all 4 of the station games, but we are still as high as ever la!!! :D AI ZAI! 1st station game is like captain's ball liddat. only the captain is not handicapped but the rest are handicapped. some have their legs tied wif rafia string (mermaid), some have one arm tied with rafia string (one arm pirate), and some have their one eye covered wif black trash bag. quite fun siol. though if u move too vigorously the rafia string will be super painful. n we lost to zhi hong and Gerlyn's group (spongebob) 9:3 or something. 2nd station is spider ball. have to use rafia string tied to our legs, form a spider web, then transport the ball inside a paper "container" for a certain distance. i think my grp nvr really understand the game well la. so we lost very graciously but it's ok!!! :D 3rd station is towel bath. best station game ^^ sit down in a line n must transfer a dripping wet towel over our heads from the last person to the first person n the first person will have to squeeze the water into a bottle. our group lost 2:1 but we all enjoyed getting wet sia!! :D 4th station is the candle thingy. a bit like entaglement but its not. the whole grp stand in a circle, then in between our palms will have a candle. have to turn from inwards to outwards and back to inwards again. we all had fun turning here n turning there ^^ Penguin x2 lost everything but we the AI ZAI ppl had fun la ^^ shouting cheers here n there for the station masters even wif all the cui throats/voices~

after station games is telematch at the same place. the game which my whole group loved: volleyball! hahaha. wif water balloons. n lotsa canvas sheets n towels. its the throw n catch de. the 1st round the GLs were the *ahem* human targets. suay siol. kana put wif justin for that. yes n we are hailed the most 没有默契 de group. since i like to shoot ppl. well all the better ^^ the human targets are supposed to siam the water balloons the opponents throw or else it will be 2 points for them. n what better way to siam than to stay near the back and self entertain ourselves ^^ we were there playing "give me tempo ready go" (name game) and "请你跟我这样做“. hahaha epic-ness when we GLs are too bored ^^ kana commented by Alex at debrief. hehehe. but 2nd n 3rd round we joined the campers to play ^^ we got the bigger canvas n 6 of us (Mardy, Celeste, Siti, Soon Eng, Hui Jian, n me) were like flinging balloons over. dam zai. hahaha. the only bad thing is that the balloon is too good quality and some of them have too little water cannot burst sia! and with the zai-ness of group 4, we won all 3 games sia. HAHAHA. but it was the only not very recognised achievement coz its 4 grps on each side.

then came the next not telematch like game which just uses a lot of ur head. the biiiiiig circle will be divided into 2 and a leader appointed on each side. half the circle will have to follow the leader and tap the bucket in the middle of the circle n end up at the opposite of the circle. this game is really that frustrating to make us stay there for like 1 hour plus plus thinking of a solution =.= some more GLs cannot hlep since we know the trick :( but i hint hint a bit la. HAHAHAHA. but at the end of the day my hint not much use la ^^ so who cares~!

performance practice after wash up and dinner. penguin x2 first to perform sia. n my face all throw until dunno where le. the performance is quite super epic. i wonder how i looked. LOL. of course my group didn't have the best story line, but we all had fun performing sia!! Celeste did a good job at narrating ^^ the other groups all so zai. all got link n story line that made perfect sense de. hahahaha. but penguins did wad penguins do n we rox la :D
end of the day must always come back n say my group AI ZAI de :)

3rd day:
the most un-cui group since everyone slept early and nvr ton. HAHAHA. but still tired la ^^ played "captains on the deck". got lighthouse, man-overboard, 4 men rowing, 5 men eating. its actually a ice breaker la. hahas. then leo quest where we have to like plan i CIP. we planned it for special needs children la. erm of course no proposal is out yet. n the crucial info still lies in my hand =.= havent dispatch it yet. zzz. i hope will be a success sia! Appreciation, where we write our names on a paper and then paste it on our backs. then go around n let others write on it. quite fun sia. i dam random de ^^ i bet i left the lamest messages around :X oops. hahahaha. i also wrote messages for my grp of 4 left (jing hong went back to work =.=) then token of appreciation from the camp comm is the leo currency.

HAD LOTSA FUN AT CAMP LA ^^ thats why i said always remind me to get our from my comfort zone. i actually love camps a lot de. but everytime i want to wait ppl to pei me. at least this rash decision didn't make me regret la
^^ YAY CAMPS ROX. hahaha

once a UG always a UG and always liking camps and nightwalks ^^ ahem i think thats more of me only la :)

n my voice until now then cui =.= started wif sore throat sleeping in air con room, then now then lose voice =.= CUI LAGGED EFFECT. haha.