Tuesday, February 15, 2011

boredom kills so this is my 3rd consecutive post. hahahaha. went through some of the blogs in my links. i realised most of them stopped blogging in 2009. so since 2009 i havent been looking through blogs. most of the links are either moved, private or removed. it's 2011 now. i'll be 19 this year. but my memory seriously stopped at 2009. that transition year from sec sch to poly is one of the more memorable ones :D

I miss guides. I miss all my juniors. well i miss those juniors who were more innocent. the ones I had taken care of when i was a sec 4 and they were sec 1. Sure they were a hell of a handful. but it was fun watching them mature. they didn't turn out the way I hoped them to be. there's guides politics Round idk what already. in 2009, i was still so active in guides; attending meetings once a month, camps, cca exhibition, anything when i'm free. in 2010, i only attended very very few meetings (or did i even attend any?), guides annual camp and farewell. in 2011, i bet i'll only go for the camp and the farewell. i wash my hands off drilling already. besides i'm expired :D

Guides politics just gets more cheem. and all the consequences seem to get more severe. and once again, Doris Lim appears~ which actually spells doom since it involves a lot of signing of idk wad "promises" that kind, lots and lots of tears, parental involvement... u name it. and mdm ng also washed her hands off too. and the root of the politics come from the very sec 1s i had "brought up". I doubt it has anything to do with my "upbringing" of them.

yeah freedom of speech only comes from expressing your views in such a way that won't get you into trouble. and also expressing your views in a way that don't directly pinpoint anyone in particular. and it's because of this assumed "freedom of speech" that blew up the wave of guides politics. what's wrong with the people who can't swallow their pride? it's not the end of the world just because someone you don't exactly like interfered with certain matters. but both sides are at fault still. I clearly remembered how i suffered and how i saw people suffering. it isn't and will never be a nice feeling. but it'll definitely give u a preview of what life's to throw at you.

my best-est memories have stopped in year 2009. it's no wonder why i think i'm always 17 :D i can't even remember my 18...

when exams are nearing, i happen to play more fb games than usual =.= what a bad sign. i foresee dark clouds looming above especially for my exams...

anyways, i'm bored o.0

studying at macs wif lihe, rachelle and kumar 2day. idk whether its a conducive environment to study a not ^^ but every single study break is like crazy only. of course laughter is always impt :D a lease within a lease (inception of lease) and the stupid female lead in titanic. nice way to pass valentine's day huh. HAHA.

idk how i'll survive when they all go for attachment and i'm in school studying... :( i'll miss all the craziness la! hais... 2 years with jasmine, lihe and kumar being the awesome group in all the projects. about 1 year of studying with rachelle at macs. i wonder how i'll survive next sem's exams!! hais... i want my study group with me next semester's exams... :( emooooooo...

Monday, February 14, 2011


well happy vday with your loved ones and the not so loved ones (erm aka books and work).
exams are starting next week! i'll be spending my vday with 5 "bfs", namely cost, rfa, tax, fit and econs :D

n whoever's nice enough can gimme chocolates :D i never get bored of chocolates. HAHA.

cheers to singlehood :D