Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The end of 2014

Yesterday was the end of 2014, and now we embrace the start of 2015. Last year has been a good year; I have learnt a lot of things and accomplished so many things. 

2014: I "slept" my way to first class honours, found a job and gained new responsibilities, took on jobs which I hardly have any background in, made new friends online and from my workplace, met up with old friends whom I haven't seen in years, learnt to be less fearful and more vocal to get what I want, first time going to pubs and Zouk, first time trying so many sorts of alcohol... 

I had also learnt from the mistakes of others: online relationships never last. So MTV catfish is true. Love relationships can hardly happen online. These online relationships just lack that real human touch. Even though the initial stages were so sweet, so lovely, but it all eventually wears off. After all, you don't know each other that well, having just met their avatar. 

Love relationships might not last, but friendships will. I'm glad to have found a friend in the youngsters online, they all taught me so many things I will never have learnt in my offline world. Yes, sometimes they just have so many flaws which hides their merits, but their innocence and their good will really outshine everything else. I learnt from them how to communicate, how to love, how to get over a heartbreak, how to be brave. Somehow these are things my real friends don't share with me, so I am glad to have met them. 

I have discovered a lot more of myself this year. I found back my love to disturb people which i thought was lost forever after I graduated from Sec 4. I realised how kaypo I am about everything and anything, and how much I just love listening to stories and gossip. I learnt to stop overthinking about the thousand and one possibilities which never will happen. I started to treat guys like normal friends; and not someone whom I will be potentially interested in. (My brain is so screwed, and its because of those overthinking) I also know I love to show-off, but now i won't feel like it was done at the expense of others. I enjoyed busying myself with friends and studies, even if it meant getting lesser sleep on a weekday. I now know that if you don't voice your opinion, you will never get what you want. And if you don't make the first step, noone else might. 

Thank you 2014 for being so nice and meaningful to me. I hope 2015 will be even better, with more new experiences, luck and Mr Right to come along :)