Friday, May 15, 2015

One day of fame

So my tweet about the passenger whose leg got stuck at boon keng suddenly became so famous. It got featured in Straits Times... 
And i received a fb message from wanbao asking for an interview about the incident... 
And there were more request for interviews popping out on fb messenger, from Straits Times and New paper... 

SO COOL RIGHT! one day of fame HAHAHAHA. Yeah my whole team knows about my incident coz I was telling them. The whole time the incident happened I was giving live updates to the purple line peeps. 

Such an eventful day today. Glad that the woman is fine and safely rescued~ 
Full story: i was on the train as usual, then at boon keng i heard some shouts. At first i just thought it was some lunatic or someone was playing. Then the doors closed and opened again. An indian guy at my door rushed out for idk what reason, and thats when i knew something was wrong. Then came the mrt announcements that the train will be delayed due to a pax requiring assistance. My mum told me someone's leg was stuck. She had cleverly eliminated all other possibilities, because of the time factor and the screams and all. Then came the announcement that the train will terminate there, and everyone alighted from the train. The lady whose leg was stuck was just 2 doors away from where i was standing but i couldnt see anything. Platform was crowded, lots of commotion here and there, then the medic came, followed by people in helmets (whom i later realised was scdf). I stood at the opposite platform, away from the thick of the crowd. Then the scdf started dispersing the crowd, telling people no pictures, then a while later they pushed the indian lady in the stretcher past me and my mum. And when she was passing by, she looked super apolegetic, saying "sorry ah i caused you all to be late. Because I got stuck". She was already on the brink of tears. But glad that she was still fine and conscious. Hopefully no major injuries. 

Yeap thats what happened. The train door fault and the squeezing of train later are just minor occurences. Scdf was fast, and the lady rescued in a few minutes. I wasnt even that late for work, like only half hour plus or so. 

As for the interview, i only replied to the straits times. The rest i feel bad for blue ticking but i am soooooo lazy to retype out everything that happened fot the nth time. So too bad. 

And here's another article from idk where: 
I have a new name again! HAHAHAHAHA. 

Now lets wait for tmr's straits times to be out maybe i might be famous n then we can laminate and frame up the article HAHAHA. 

And behold the almighty tweet that pushed me to fame...