Tuesday, March 28, 2017

*inserts Deep in thought emoji*

So what made me write this post... Because i need to write some gossip!! Ohwell not like anyone sees this so i'm safe here hehe. 

It all started off with this message from lijing...

And THAT totally set me thinking. Who is next?

The possibe list of guys start flashing in mind, probably someone whom I have known for many years, and maybe its the someone who once told me that he liked lijing... Of course my radar picked up and I tried to probe further about who it was, and whether I know him. And of course she shunned it by saying which of her crushes did I ever knew on a personal level. 

Then came this message. 

Now who will bring his future gf to hang out with "US". "US" meaning the clique, and this is part of the group convo, so I am most likely belonging in the "US" as well. And that "future gf" in question might be part of that clique all along. 

Last clue would be this message:

Guess who is the crush? 

Tadahhhh I'm guessing its KK!~ 

And I am the possible candidate (a very not intimidating one) of being the "love rival"! But in fact I am all for shipping KK and lijing, since I kinda feel they have been 暧昧 for yearsssss, with none of them ever facing the courage to tell it to each other. Like a tom and jerry kind of chasing each orher around a bush. 

I really don't have anything to do with KK. He is just a good friend whose life is rather interconnected with me. Back in the poly years, he was just the "boyfriend" of another close poly friend (lasted less than 6 months Shhhhh). I think it was through MSN or something, that he confessed he liked lijing? Or was it something along the lines that he liked girls who are petite, rather vocal etc? Coz the ex and lijing are plenty much similar. Even just with their names. Hehehe

Of course lijing is not going to divulge any further. I have always had this nagging thought everytime when I talk to KK, to ask him whether he still likes lijing. But I never messaged him beyond our gatherings, and never had a chance to personally ask him that face to face, since we were always in a clique. 

During one of the gatherings, Erica forced him to divulge about his love interests. There was this korean girl, exchange school mate, etc. But what really is memorable for me, is the 3rd or 4th person whom he avoided mentioning, sounded like lijing's traits. Now that I think of it, that gathering happened early in the year (before CNY), which possibly meant Erica might already know of lijing's feelings of him, and were just testing water. [oh and I really hate Erica's and lijing's push pull dating methods. Too much of testing whether the guy likes you, and so little 感情 and 冲动 in it. 苦了自己,苦了大家]

At this rate they are going, will KK ever get lijing? None of them are going to take the first move. Do you think if I should open up the topic and force it upon them? I am on KK's side on this. Definitely will respect his decision.
 But if it had been forced upon, they will never be happy and the friendship will be broken. Which means it is a really tough choice... 

Back to the starting point. It's best to follow with the flow of nature and fate. Let's just see how it goes, and wish them the best of luck in whatever the decision!~