Saturday, September 23, 2017

Maple BF

Because we set the date to get married in maple tonight LOLOL. Though its just for the apples that can be sold, and not for anything else XD

To Jereld,
Thank you for sharing all those things with me. You had a life full of battles, and you are still battling with your inner demons. Its because of you opening up first, thats why I'm able to share some personal stuff with you as well. You know, all those things I said, can only be found in my diaries and this no man's land blog. My friends who try to probe these information from me don't even know this. 

You have a lot of charms, but that approach on how you view people can be so negative... Its so painful to be lonely, without the warmth of your family while studying in US. But despite all the struggles you face, you never fail to help others, and even to reassure me that I will find someone who will appreciate me for who I am. Sometimes even bribing me with food for me to be a better person. 

I just want to say, THANK YOU. And don't give up on life. I will try to be there with you virtually, but there's only so much I can do. Please try to go out with your friends (guys or girls doesn't matter), stay strong, and you will definitely find someone who will love and encourage you as well! 

If only you were in Singapore, I would just get together with you, because there's hardly anyone I know whom I can make such connection with. I don't think you will want anymore LDR after the 2 relationships you had, thats why I know I can't date you either.  Let's see what happens after this December, and what happens 2 years later when you are back bah. I believe in fate, and we might each have found our respective ones even before that happens :) 

You are really such a great person and a good friend! Jinjja! Don't ever feel inferior and that you are not good enough for anyone~ 

-UPDATE- FRIENDZONED, AND I AM JUST A BRO PERHAPS. But he is still nice to talk to. Super annoying. Maple marriage has not yet happened either. I can still run while I can XD

Monday, September 18, 2017

Playing with fire

Playing with fire a bit too much? But its fun though :( 

And furthermore I know they are definitely not Mr Right, confirm will get backlashed if anything happens. But all I need is just a soulmate, not someone fanciful or rich. It just so happens that my taste in guys are not the super responsible mature adults thats all. Kinda like me. 

Reasons why I miss late night convo, where we both can "pour" our hearts out.

Adulting is hard. Why cant life be simple?

 Good night world. Its nice to find guys to chat to anyway :x 

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Date #3

Because why not just use the same title as my previous post about him :P

Nakhon date at Holland V, but its really just a short dinner catch-up. 

He has inferiority complex :x Because he is short HAHAHAHAHA. Ok jokes aside, but erm how else do u explain him trying to stand on the kerb while I stand on the road? And he was being lapsup since its near his house, so he wore slippers. Maybe bad choice coz shoes actually helps to add that few cm of height... 

We had been consistently texting almost everyday since the last meetup la. Confirm he has finally got over his ex and now ready to find a new one. Not that I asked him about it, but i think i am rather good at guessing. 

Can kinda tell what kinda person he is from the way he eats. You know my plate is always clean coz I like to finish what I started, but his is just not clean at all. Shows he gives up easily, lack willpower and motivation, a bit wasteful, but at least he doesn't force himself to do things he don't like. Funny part about today is how he ordered extra white rice, but realised he was damn full before the rice came hahaha. Epic. 

But he is feeling demoralised now because he lacks a purpose in life. I can't phrase it nicely in spoken words, but here goes: 
You don't actually find purpose. Purpose comes to you when you learn to enjoy what you do, when you have a long term goal on what you want to achieve. Perhaps you were not looking for purpose, but rather what makes you happy. In life, there's always some offset. You can't be happy and living a 100% meaningful life all the time. If there are no ups and downs in life, your life would be super boring. Most people never end up in what they like to do, for practicality reasons. The best alternative is to work in something manageable, then spend time to do the things you like. Look through your photos, you will find that the things you treasure most has the most pictures.