Sunday, November 16, 2008

lalalas~ i am so dead. and i am alive! =.= i noe i lame...

Farewell's on tue. thx peck hui 4 reminding me tat the need 2 bring an extra set of clothes means that the juniors are gonna sabo us... sad...very sad... think i got some clues to the farewell alr...maybe they're gonna throw us in2 the sea or throw water bomb or shoot wif water guns. ouch... =) worse is all 3. =.=

anw tmr's the prom night and I'M NOT GOING!!! ^^ hahas.i always sound so spoilsport...zzz. there's this big pre-prom madness that i am somewhat involved in...okie maybe i am not that involved in.wadeva la.

oh 2day's my bestie's b'day n i almost more pro can i get. think i sleep 2 much until my brain is not working properly.either that or i have studied 2 much. that's 2 far-fetched anw.

so HAPPY 16th BIRTHDAY TO CAI ER, AND HAPPY 14th BIRTHDAY TO HER SISTER XIANG YING ^^ dun think they'll see this anw =)

yea u can continue saying i'm too lame 2 be true... oh n i cut my hair must always tie it up... coz when it's let down its like exploding(in a straight way, not the curly way. if u get wad i mean... =.=).

ah bored. since lijing wants me 2 blog so i blogged. okie even if she didn't ask me 2 blog i might have blogged. now lets have a slightly longer post since i am bored. say i'm lame lor... =.=

memory's failing so i can't remember wad i did ytd. tat is really symptoms of STM. nvm. went to the agency 4 briefing 4 the trip to taiwan. wonder if there is any kids who are going. if younger than me then all the is those kindergarten age ^^. i won't complain that they are noisy (maybe...) the guy says there are a total of 13 ppl going.minus our family(which is 5), i think there are some couples or families going. hope the remaining 8 would mean 2 families.preferably wif a lot of kids. oh i'm evil =.= w8 how can this be evil? zzz

2day went whampoa(?) eat n buy fish(dunno ask my granma). then went to my other grandmother's house(maternal grandparents) n play wif my younger cousins 4 an hour plus. the 2 toddlers ran to their respective mothers upon seeing us. how sad. they so shy. well can't help it they dun see us that much. so left with my youngest cousin who won't run ^^ very good coz he's only 6 months old n dunno how 2 sit yet.much less to say walk. n he's so cute n chubby. he keeps laughing when we play wif him ^^. yeah one day i'll upload their pics. =)

then went to a japanese foodcourt at quite nice but some stuff are overpriced. hais doesn't matter la.then my parents and my auntie n uncle wanted 2 go hunt 4 ah kun kopitiam coz they don't like the sweetened coffee at the foodcourt. ended up the shop was nowhere 2 be found. the whole place was under renovation so it was very messy.and stinky.ah nvm.

hmm is this post 2 long? aiya dun care la. haha.

-bored... very bored. wanna go watch tv liao ^^ -
Jia Yi

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