Thursday, December 11, 2008

yeah i noe dis is a little late... but i reali kinda lazy 2 blog... hais
see lor. mum took 1000++ photos. i dunno how many i took. but i onli took on some days. aft tat lost interest liao. haha isn't tat wad i'm the best in doing? 1000++ uploaded alr. those tat i took de havent yet.

yar i am back from taiwan, going crazy 4 idk wad reason... lalalas~ brain's super super damn lag... taking longer n longer time 2 register stuff... zzz my self called illness called brain lag. i hope it's not contagious. ^^

a lot a lot of snacks bot from taiwan. but i seriously dun have enuf souvenirs 2 go round. those who wan more snacks come over n eat ^^ muahaha.

photos lazy upload yet. next time ba =) bored... tmr watch movie~ lalala idk wad movie i watching still. hope tmr got enuf stuff 2 go round la. coz during my ever there brain lag, throughout the whole trip i can onli think of 3 ppl whom i nid buy stuff for. no prizes for guessing who they are ^^ n wad i did throughout the trip next time when i super damn free/bored (hard loh). haha. anw 1 thing abt taiwan, there's super super lot of food... haha. n its 56 times bigger den sg. hey i got listen 2 the tour guide de lor. zzz

yeah tatas. stuff promised will be up next time. n dun ask me when's the next time =)
Jia Yi ^^

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