Saturday, January 31, 2009

hope i recover from shock alr ^^ anw i tink tat tat post was redundant. oh wadeva...
note: this post has a loooot of shortforms. if u're another lijing maybe i would suggest u dun read it ^^

juz now went to surf blogs. wahahahas. tat sounds weird. linked some of muh seniors. some reali like long long time no see liaos. hais. all so naughty nvr come back. muahaha. joking =.= after linking them, i shall wait for 1 fine day when i am lame 2 go tag on their blogs. hahahas. sleepy but I DUN WAN SLEEP YET =)

think i reali blog very little... but it wouldn't make a diff knowing tat. coz i will still continue blogging so little. lalala.

now lets summarize the week(again...) hahas.hmm when shall i start from...

sunday: CNY eve~ ate reunion lunch n dinner wif paternal grandma. cooked up a whole feast again zzz. den went 4 reunion steamboat dinner at maternal grandparents house. didn't eat coz 2 full. played a fun game wif cousins~ its good to have young cousins u noe. but prob comes when u're the oldest. zzz aunt say i pass down the bad habits. muahaha. shan't deny or accept. slept at 2.45 aft watching tv~

Monday: CNY 1st day~ felt a sore throat when i woke up >< dunno why when i didn't touch a lot of heaty stuff b4 CNY... argh all those nice nice CNY food cannot eat. sob sob... went 3 temple in the morn. this year dunno why everything also behind schedule. zzz. mayb coz feet pain coz of the irritating shoe. hais nvr had 1 year whr i have no prob wif the shoe 1... ^^ den aft the 3 temples den went maternal grandparents hse le. start collecting angpao hahas. the day tat i collected the most angpow. lalala. dinner back at my new hse whr food was cooked by my uncle who's supposed 2 b the guest =)

Tuesday: CNY 2nd day~ dun ask me wad time i woke up. tink it was quite late bah. my younger cousins come alr den we go out bai nian... n dey got free angpow as they followed us go nearby bai nian.zzz... stupid flu medicine cause me 2 be so drowsy den lyk falling asleep at my sis's nanny's hse... went home all my aunties, uncles, and cousins reach liaos. slept through lunch den woke up stil groggy. went 2 new house 4 mahjong, me still wif the terrible sore throat... body purposely choose new year 2 fall sick argh. won 2 rounds lalala. quite lucky la. anw we dun play $$ de =) den left at 5+ go compasspoint find my makan ^^ den go my older cousin's house(pls pls dun expect me 2 tell u which cousin is which. i'll seriously faint typing all their names...) 'prepare' buffet. relatively boring. no is damn boring. i dunno my twice or thrice removed cousins(equivalent my cousins' cousins) though some years will see dem. but its still u dunno me i dunno u, every1 do ur own business. muahaha. left quite early(havcnt lao yu sheng yet...) den went 2 my maternal aunt's hse for gathering. onli stayed there 4 lyk half hr =.=

Wednesday, Thursday: juz nid 2 noe i back 2 work. ^^ wed sleepy, thurs boss treat us new year lunch at The Chinese Restaurant at Raffles Town Club(?). food onli ok ok la... but the restaurant damn crowded... lau-ed yu sheng again. (2nd yu sheng this year so far... 1st was chu xi)

Friday: half day leave~ ^^ left work at 1.05 ^^ took 132 to sch. reach i tink lyk juz after 1.30? zzz... onli MFGG alumni tat went back. zzz... 4 new sec 1s and 2 new sec 2s. the curse of guides is fast coming true~~ (long story, dose who wan noe ask me personally ^^) ok maybe it isn't tat long zzz... dey played whacko and butt slide (tats wad i call it. any1 got a beta short n sweet name juz tell me ^^). me juz stay on sidelines n talk n sip water.(my sore throat worsened u noe... ok it recovered on wed n thurs n worsened 2day). i still take 2day as fri FYI. den drilled dem at red brick. so paiseh the drill BFN still wan dem march out 2 parade square. zzz. should have went 2 the ulu ulu road(ok mayb not tat ulu) at PDP(?) area...left at 4.30++ 2 meet ppl go class bbq. w8ed n went around, got lost, found hope, and finally reached the 'mtg' area. zzz. (next time juz dun tell me AMK hospital onli... hais. tell me its at YCK maybe i might noe better...) went bbq at tommy's condo~ very little ppl den anw... ok found out i very luo suo so i cut it short. other details i tink my class ppl will blog de bah.(i tink) anw at the end tink got 20+ ppl dere, ate food, finished all the carbonated n non-carbonated drinks, made a hell lot of noise until got complaint, fed food 2 stray cat, ate damn lot of stingray, had 2 pay $26 for lj's n my food, and found out sooooo many ppl going nyjc. end of a long story cut short. i dun tink any1 persevered through my shortforms n read this far. so i end up blogging 4 my own sake ^^ wadeva... reached home at 11pm. not my latest anw =)

oh ya 1 more ting. ^^ i seriously feel lyk camping at the bus stop at my blk's void deck n say hi to those at NYJC. muahahas. if not u can come up 2 8 floor find me. lols. if i free enuf i'll give u a personal tour around neighbourhood(well maybe...). muahahas.i noe i m still so lame... but reali reali muz come find me if not i bored. 1 day u wun juz see me w8ing at the void deck liaos. u juz mite see me blocking the dun worry i m not till tat stage yet. =) oh another limitation. after work i'll onli reach home at 6.45 (usually). so anytime b4 u'll onli find my sis n my granma. hahas. i dunno why i am saying dis much nonsensical stuff. hais... lets juz generalize tat i m senile n going very crazy, n yet still slacking as much as possible ^^

lalalas i lyk blogged 4 almost 1 hour liaos... tink this post should be enuf 2 feed ppl reading(if there IS any) for 1 whole week bah. muahahas~ anw i tink i more active in tagboard zzz

sleepy n yet still dun wan sleep =) hope tmr i can wake up at 12. lalalas~~~ sianz...
-Jia Yi-
its lyk 2.52am now la =.=
i still wanna go surf blogs n see the unbelievable. lols i weird =.=

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