Monday, February 16, 2009

I AM A VERY VERY NAUGHTY KID HERE. hahas. i am like supposed to be working and here i am blogging. Can't blame me I am just tooooooo bored. And I am getting bolder and bolder as the weeks pass by. zzz when i started work i don't even go to other websites la. n now i have like downloaded MSN and sometimes surfing the net. shhhh don't tell any1... wahahahas. ok i am like so lame.

It's POURING outside. How 2 go for lunch?????? hais... anyway I am alone in the office, purposely blasting the radio beside me already. lalalas~ really treat the office like my house hor =.= i wanna be at home i dun wanna work. lols. Oh the rain slowed to a drizzle, and then start pouring again =.= something's very wrong...

hmm... i didn't have time to like continue the previous post. Thur during work, the ang moh instructors finally ask for my name. hahas. They were like saying that I just appeared and stayed from Day 1, and they never knew my name. They just know I am the temp staff. And ang mohs can't pronounce Chi names well so I became JY =.= yeah and take note that there's 2 horses called JP and JC. Oh wells i think I can go live in the stables anytime alr.

Friday went back for Guides. yeah i think i was in a sleepy mode during drill with the sun and all. Being pek chek doesn't help 2 keep me awake too. Only became super zi-high during the last hour of guides. Like i was purposely pestering people by singing campfire songs la. hais... Only can say good luck to those whose ears had suffered. hahas. after guides lingered around school, and went to office ask if testimonials come already. Then on the way out stopped by Selva for 'chit chat'. Doris Lim then came in after a looong while and ask her to do stuff, only then me, CE, PH managed to escape... haha. Went AMK Hub after that to buy bel's present and shopping for whatever stuff i needed to buy for my family =.= wadeva...

Sat went bel's house. Was like a crazy lunatic so high for no reason la. Keep talking non-stop =.= ok i did stop. played with bel's hamster ^^ It shitted and puked out the food in it's cheek while i was holding it. zzz... Lucky it haven't pee on me yet. phew. after bel's 'party/gathering' went bishan for family gathering. Food at that coffee shop sux la. Service sux also. And that coffee shop had like soo little people only. My house downstairs the coffee shop waaay better ^^ Food also much much nicer.

Yesterday slept till 11+ (I think. I 4got alr ^^) then ate breakfast =.= left house at 1+ go temple and pray then went Sakae Sushi ^^ hahas. Celebration for me I think. Dunno whether considered celebration for my sister also...

Oh and I injured my last right toe on Saturday. Hurts alot and it bled in the nail =.= hais... 2day only managed to stuff the whole foot into the shoe. It'll hurt when I think about it. hahas. Psychological barrier =.=

Stomach growling!!!! I wan food!!! Ppl faster come back if not I cannot go for lunch without any1 in the office! zzz...
-Jia Yi-
hungry and sleepy...

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