Saturday, March 28, 2009

NPSU FOC ROX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




ok. i'm back from a 4d3n camp at np. (i know this post is a bit too 'late' coz it's after my 6 hours of 'aftnn' nap ^^). oh beware of the long post. i tend to be super luo suo.

1st day~
bus-ed wif peckkhee to np. saw a whole lot of foc campers on the bus too. reached np at 10. i won't regard myself as being late ^^ remembered that the weather was rainy.
by the time we reach the sports hall, can alr hear all the ppl cheering inside.
OSIRIS is the group name. OREO is the sub-group's name. ^^ OREO'S GLs: Chris, Jamie(Awesome) and Roderick~ loved by all the Oreos ^^
took like sucha long time to warm up to the ppl. but was like relatively high though dun wanna cheer coz like so paiseh coz no1 else ard u cheering. well i kinda 'overcome' tat fear and became the siao diao 1 amongst the quiet ppl again. well it's in me to always befriend the quiet ppl though i ain't tat quiet =.=
all those cheers really made my head explode u noe. my brain hasn't been used for long n i still sux at remembering stuff (i still dunno my grp member's names ^^) n most of the cheers i alr 'know' though in diff versions~
whacko, some pass the big shirt game n dun rmb wad else. n even aft 4d3n of camp i dun think the icebreakers helped me much to rmb ppl's names. only rmb-ed for like less than 1 hr n everything vanished. i can't even properly rmb the names of the 2 ppl i hang out wif until like the 2nd day la. Venn and Wang Yi~ ^^ yesh it's me in the middle again. shan't elaborate on tat ^^ turn left to speak chinese n turn right to speak english. lols. hope they wun feel outcasted...
some retarded 'cinderella' game, which turned out tat it's to find the mass dance partner. blindfolded n stuff la. damn lame. 1st partner i talk quite a lot. 2nd partner didn't talk a lot den got seperated by GLs alr. 3rd partner dunno whether it's the same as the 2nd a not. see wad happens when u go sucha poor memory? ask for their name n forget it the next 5 mins.
aiya 1st day consisted mostly of cheers la. oh n mass dance that did my head in. esp 2nd part. Shaun's the mass dance partner.
aft dinner went watch movie. then the GLs had alr started the crap on the 'respect the night' juz to kinda scare us n make us not prepared abt the nightwalk ^^ watch most of the 'Scary Movie 2' (not sure whether it's the correct title) n 'Coming Soon', which i only watched the non-scary parts ^^ can hear ppl screaming alot at the end, which i didn't watch =)
night walk with Venn, Ching Yi n DX. we were like the only group which was soooooooo silent la. as in me n Venn being the only gals never even screamed at all la. think partially my fault... ^^ everyone else was screaming their lungs out. yeah those GLs dun find us very fun coz we weren't like every1 else =) but really i applaud their planning for the nightwalk. MFGG muz learn how to plan nice n scary nightwalks liddat!!!! supper which i didn't eat n slept at like 4+ am.

2nd day~
woke up at 8+ i think. breakfast, cheers, n mass dance till lunch. aft lunch was station games~ (mess games) damn fun n dirty n super gross~
1st station: climb up a slippery slope. Chris 1st 1 up followed by a few of ours group's guys. then i think it was Jamie(group member, not GL) tat went up. i did try at some certain point. got my butt full of oil, detergent n water. 1st combi of the day. i didn't suceed anw. ^^
2nd station: walked A LOT to reach. w8 we walk A LOT to reach anywhere. bloody big campus =.= this game is to move the bucket with water using only our legs(no hands~) n the bucket cannot touch the blue-blacks on my feet whr the bucket was at... anw this game needed a lot of brainpower. when 'photo-taking', they splashed the water at us. n did i say tat the water was the 1 tat we dipped our feets in? eww... damn freaking wet. always so suay.
3rd station: me n a guy's (dun u noe they like to do this kinda things?) wrists were taped tgt, n we had use our hands to fish for the stuff tat the station masters are asking for. yeah the buckets were filled with soya sauce+butter+who knows wad else. but well we did find a squid in one of the buckets... it started to rain, n we washed our hands with rainwater ^^ tat's our grp's luckiness tat it started raining anw =)
4th station: caterpillar walk. of coz its not tat simple. caterpillar walk on the canvas tat soapy water. n its like more detergent than water mind u. soapy butts aft tat. horrible feeling. bleurgh. oh n the gal's chain nvr broke while the guy's broke quite a few times ^^ GLs played too. gogo OREO GLs ^^ they were fast anw...
5th station: pass the pocky. think its quite obvious how this is played. not exactly a mess game la. yeah the camera men had the time of their lives taking pics of those whose lips were almost touching...
aft dinner, game again. no more nightwalk la. but it's called night hunter. aka u need to walk around the whole school n find the famous landmarks of the school. all hot and sweaty n complaining why we can't bathe only aft the nighthunter. but was still quite fun la. ^^
then debrief n games. i like the car one. damn fun. 'hump ah' wahahas. forfeits were funny also. n of coz its not me whose forfeited ^^ donuts for supper like on the 1st day... slept at i think 12+...

3rd day~
woke up at 7+. breakfast, cheers, the usual. mass dance also have. think it was b4 lunch. got better at mass dance alr. can rmb more steps. n also more daring liaos ^^ free time during lunch was like playing peace like a river with the guys. so nice 2 play in a big group ^^ then its wet games! only 2 games la, n i didn't do much for this day.
1st wet game: protect ur mummy. played as whole group. meaning there are abt 400 ppl running around in the field, protecting their mummies, attacking other mummies, picking up used plastic bags, etc etc. threw only 2 bombs. coz at 1st wanna be attacker de. then in the end reverted to being the defender. got bombed 3 or 4 times. damn fun ^^ anw my group's mummy was in one of the worst states. Horus' mummy really really look like a mummy. damn cool. at the end all the GLs splash us with water. n of coz since i'm rite in front, i kana the water. end up being soooooooooooooooooo wet. like they practically threw the whole bucket of water on my head. sad. the interesting part is, i end up being so bloody wet, n Venn on my left was like so dry. defending also. while defending the mummy, i was like standing beside her all the while, n i end up getting sooooooooo bloody wet n she is like so bloody dry. damn suay.
2nd wet game: walked damn dripping wet to np swimming pool. i didn't play this time round. but we did splash ard at the side of the pool. tat is of coz b4 they evacuated us out of the pool. freaking wet n cold. wind kept blowing n i kept shivering. brr... amazing how i didn't get a cold.
dinner time. then aft tat cheer some more at the canteen. think it was canteen 2 la. peace like a river again ^^ i try to sing like so bloody loud. irritating. everytime wan me sing de. like lunch time liddat. ended up screaming through the whole song coz canteen was real noisy with other sub-groups playing also. peace like a river is like sooooooo easy la the lyrics. but super super super super super fun =) then still got some free time left played the 5 animals thingy as a whole sub-group. super lotsa laughs. really enjoyed myself with those brainless things ^^
then crawled through the 'tunnel' to go for campfire. chey i tot they would make it more challenging la. like nid go up n go down tat kind. hais. kept bumping my head(as usual) then they wrote the word SCS in red marker on my arm. dunno wad it stands for.
campfire was lame. whole 1 hr+ campfire is all skits by the GLs of each group. but the skits mostly were damn lame. but quite boring. no real fire. juz sat on the fake n scratchy grass...
thought aft cf den can slp le. but they have a rm in fms then we club there la. soooooooooooooo bloody fun ^^ really really went crazy. n this time is purely zi high. Wang Yi dun wanna dance wif me. den Venn disappeared when she found her friends. so high soooooooo high. soooooooooooooooo very fun ^^ anw was like so random la. they have the smoke thingy then inside very foggy. but still uber fun. waaaaaaaaaa i wanna dance again!!!
danced like from 11+ to 1+. went back at 2 aft supper n found out tat the thing ended. irritated tat it ended so early. hais... then debrief n stuff n went back to the grandstand at 2+am. very little ppl wanted to sleep la. n no lights out leh. all the way is free time! woots. was still so high from all tat dancing. but damn tired. ghost stories n scary experiences, then play game. 'chitty chitty bang bang' den dunno still got wad game den the 5 animals game. then chit chat wif the DH(division head) which i spent most of the time lying down trying hard not to fall asleep. well i did nod off a bit bit. but dun dare nod off too much coz the camp com was like going ard disturbng those asleep by putting toothpaste n dunno wad other stuff. they played truth or dare n i juz tried to fight back sleep. gave up n went to sleep at 5+. hais... didn't see sunrise...

4th day~
woke up at 7+am. thx peck khee for waking me up. if not i really will slp till who knows wad time. hurry pack up n rush to grandstand. breakfast which sux as usual at canteen 1. super long walk =.=
back to grandstand again n more cheer shouting. zzz. every1 was like damn tired. some were like sleeping on the floor n u can hear all those voice break ppl. all sore throat. but i actually am in awe of them la. they soooooooooo pro all so high until no more voice. most of the GLs are all like that lor.
anw it's phototaking, Osiris was the last group. presented the Oreo GL cheer for our GLs. all of them so happy. ^^ hmm should i type out the whole cheer???? *receives a whole bunch of smelly shoes* ok i better not.
phototaking ended at almost 12.30. den head back in2 hall for last last last round of mass dance. i quite high de la. managed to do all the steps quite nicely liaos.
aft mass dance den went to some LT to watch vids n see photos n sing songs. photos quite nice n vids quite funny. heng ar dey nvr take me ^^ den sing song the GLs cried la... hais... esp our GLs. all 3 cried. n some oreos cried too...but really coz it is quite sad la. but as usual u know i dun cry ^^ sth's getting more n more wrong wif my emotions =.= but coz i treat it as a beginning not an ending =)
yeah then went back sports hall get our bags n stuff den did our last power cheer. bid farewell to all our GLs. i told Rod n Chris dun cry ar. wahahahas. i feel so evil... zzz... but it is quite sad la... sob sob *wipes away the imaginary tears* then bus-ed home with peck khee~~ fell asleep on 74 =.= zzz... mac for lunch at 4+pm almost 5pm.

yeah super super super super super super super super super super super super long post by the super luo suo person. yy, i think my post is like 3 to 4 times longer than yours la...
hais... wee~~~ this blog took me almost 3 hours 2 write? =.=

-Jia Yi-
so high still sooooooooooooooooooo high...
living on my memories to while away boredom.


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