Sunday, May 31, 2009



Anw, its Jia Hui here..
in case u dunno, im Jia Yi's sis.

As u noe, Khong Jia Yi is a lazy person.
So, im here to post photos on her behalf!!
and oso, bring life to this blog.

ONE day before Mother's Day:

My early birthday cum mother's day celebretion

Tats my work of art..
Ingredients: cream, cream n more CREAM!!


We went to our grandma's house to make dumplings.

my grandma made these before we came.
NICE ba!! =P

My sis n I learning..

The dumpling we made were ugly.
so, we gave up and played with our cousins.

Baby Girl: Koni
Baby Boy: Jordan

celebrate MY actual birthday, and good results 4 shawn and ME.
Shawn: Cousin
Shared by me n sis.
Seafood Spaghetti.
Shared by Mum and Dad

French Fries. I lurve the fries.
Shawn's children meal?
Dessert TIME!!
Topless Five
My FREE ice-cream.
cause its the actual day of my birthday.
SHUANG manz.
Shawn's pathetic-ly small ice cream.
from the children menu de.

It was my Cousin Chee Qing's 21st birthday.
Venue: BistroOneZeroThree
somewhere in Pasir Pajang
Opps.. I found out that i didnt have picts of the birthday girl.
She was busy entertaining her friends..
BUT got pictures of me n sis.
me and my sis :]

MEEE~!!! i lurve tat hat!

A Present made by my cousin, Yida, in a rush. Look at the little miss naughty, does it looks familar? (scroll to the top pictures)
*cant seems to turn this pict* =P

Zoom in.
He drew them in the car ride there. Tats y so messy. HAHAHA.
Look forward for MY next post ba.
JiaHui XD

Sunday, May 24, 2009

back from MINDS camp~ ^^

camp was fun la. wif the MINDS kids coming to MF n then we interacted alot wif them. some of them very cute la. n so smart lor. u noe sometimes those kids wif disabilities smarter than the average human in alot of things leh...

so i went for camp on Fri nite aft sch. (more like a huge laughing fit from BMGT tutorial which was the last lesson) so zun came juz in time to watch the guides dance hongdou ^^ yeah :) n then the whole atmosphere was so bloody quiet lor. every1 like not talking alot. then i dunno y i started zi-highing for no reason. (my zi-high never had a reason =.=) only aft hongdou den drifted from here to there n dunno where. yar i had adapted a new motto during cf - to scare ppl. wahahas. den aft cf got refreshments (supper) which i nvr eat even though i nvr eat dinner. then aft tat got games. some bring the kids around the sch to find pictures stuck on the wall de la. lame for me but fun for the MINDS peeps can liaos. its only then then really started talking n remembering a few faces. shining the torchlight in the pitch black sch compound is fun la. wahahas. i lameeeeeeee~

then slept at ard 12+. n woke up at 6.19. :) as compared to the others i think i slept the most liaos ^^ yeah i noe i pig. the others had santry duty n i snr liaos still dunnid to do santry lalalas~ thats the gd of being the youngest snr lor~ ^^ aiya the other bad of tat is tat still have to take orders from the older ppl. which is ok la at least i do wrongly dey cannot punish lalalas~ ok tat sounds wrong. nvm

in the morning we brought the kids to the canteen for breakfast lor. seeing tat scouts ldr who was like so childish wif the MINDS kids really quite funny. ok i dun blame him i think all those who really interacted well wif the kids are all liddat bah... then went henderson waves for hike. sat beside yanying and the other MINDS kid, nurul was like so cute la. she kip smiling n smiling. then she dun wanna talk so she juz point her point there n cont smiling. u look at her n she sure will smile back de lor. then the whole hike (which some1 said it was 2.5km) i had to pull this 'perv' boy in my group. this boy ar everytime will sure grab any girl's hand de la. made nicole so scared of him. dam funny. tat boy kip on 'purple!' at everything he see. then nicole kept teasing him about the colours then aft tat this boy started calling purple at everything he see to attract nicole's attention lor. lols la. slept on the bus on the way back from hike~ dam tired n hungry la.

then aft lunch was station games. kim's game, backwoodsman cooking, spiderweb, and some pass ball thingy. kim's game easiest la duh. then backwoodsman cooking is cook fishball n hot dog. the kids were like so afraid of going close to the hot charcoals la. then spiderweb which is super easy for me (duh) was quite challenging for the MINDS kids. but i think they had fun la. pass the ball de is the slackiest for leaders. but the MINDS kids had a lot of fun throwing d ball into the bin la. the catcher (mf scouts de ppl) was also quite pro in catching the balls la. the leaders all sit there talk crap. lalalas~

then phototaking which took practically a million years. anw dun think tat any of the kids were super hyperactive la. all quite guai can sit still leh ^^ n hor the kids very well mannered de lor. always shake hands n hi-5 de. very cute. *suddenly rmbs the incident yanying encountered wif when she wanted to scare joey n got scolded by a MINDS kid* super funny.

aft the kids went home was clean up all tat. the clean up really killed my legs =.=

yeah tats abt all bah. community service can be fun de la~~~ wee~~~

oh yar the 'kids' i referring to doesn't mean tat they r younger than me lor. i think some of the MINDS students are like older than me la.

ok still slpy wanna go slp liaos nites

elearning nxt wk! ^^ remind me to chiong. i should kip on motivating myself to do so. outing wif class soon bah! :) hopes our class remains bonded ^^

NITES! ^^ i luo suo...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

77 words


yay ^^ 77 words. hahahas. it always ork wif a super lag com. lalalas~ =)

oh ytd too bored forgot abt the fun part. hahas.

during blaw tutorial tat angmoh showed us some projs tat his students did. den one of the students proj played the song 'hot and cold' then throughout the whole song that retired angmoh was dancing la. damn funny.

n went canteen 4 eat lunch. dunno who say the food not nice de. actually not bad la...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

i'm so bored... in business management again... so bored... facebook cannot go in as usual. hais... lecture on planning. lol la =.=

sleepy la. ytd slept at 2am. ^^ still habit to slp late. nxt wk elearning ^^ w8 there's nothing much to be happy about elearning anw... hahas. then exams are like coming soon liaos. in 3 wks time. lucky only got 3 modules nid take exam... wonder if i would be able to do... hais... hard la. sure is super tricky MCQ or T/F qns de la...

got back Blaw test 2day. 14/20 =.= considered ok la. 7/10 zzz... tat time only studied like last minute. sianz...

i wanna sleep but this lecturer like got sharp eyes leh.

oh yay break now. wahahas. like real i will get up from my seat.

so bored. heng the cher got music though not nice =.=


Saturday, May 16, 2009

72 words

Typing Test

i improved by 1 =.=

oh i think i'm spamming my own blog. zzz... this is my 102 post alr! lols

my big 100 was the 71 words typing test tat 1. hahas

Friday, May 15, 2009

rawr angry now. just now my speed test 97 words n then i wanted to copy n paste the html here. in the end accidentally pulled the charger of my laptop then the thing is gone! rawr. dun ask me how i got the 97 words de. it's a miracle u noe. ^^ hais... now muz kip trying see whether i can get back 97 words a not! zzz

Thursday, May 14, 2009

71 words


hohohos. this 1 even better ^^ never expect my typing speed so fast. wahahas.

anw this 1 i dun think test on reflexes hor cai er ^^

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


hais... i dun think i pay attn in class at all this few days =.= lalalas~
BMGT lecture~ the lecturer so zi kua. kip on talking crap. n then kip on talking abt how pro he is. lols la...
anw i still think this is a redundant module. how to be a manager =.= now its decision making. rawr so mafan la. nid to noe all the theory meh... this topic common sense de la... hais... nvm i treat this as a chui mian lecture... falling asleep soon~ the lecturer so many grandfather stories. hais...

yeah i'm bored. nid to find something to do. have more than 1 hour leh... zzz... 5 ppl from my class pon-ed lecture liaos. wee but i so guai wun pon la. but hor come in here slack also considered pon lecture lalalas~ nvm at least i get to listen a bit of the grandfather story =.=

go facebook play liaos lols.
63 words

Speed test

lols lols i'm too bored in blaw tutorial ^^

totally not listening to that old angmoh.

just now got MCQ test. tricky la... aiyo...

only started studying for tat test at ard 10+ 11 =.=

pro rite still can come in n do test. wahahas.

ok i'm so bored

LOOKING FORWARD TO CAMPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3 camps in counting ^^

Friday, May 8, 2009

Am fainting in DSS PBL (figure out how to do all the excel functions in a group).

it sux la. sooooooooooo very tedious. no guidance from teacher some more... hais...

as usual we're the only group who's making the most noise. ^^

n i hope we're like the fastest group =)

damn the confusing la... aiyo... any excel pros wanna teach me all the excel function? :))))


-Jia Yi-

still DSS-ing
hais later still got Business Management... zzz... 1st tutorial =.= hahas.


Monday, May 4, 2009

I AM SUPERRRRRRRRRR HUNGRY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rawr. still have to survive another 1hr++ til a 1hr lunch break b4 another 4 hr lesson again. saddddddddddddd...

me want food... =(

Macroecons tutorial now... i'm not exactly listening...