Friday, July 31, 2009

Blogtime! hahahas. yesterday wanted to post something in my lame mood de. but i didn't manage to copy n paste so i didn't post liaos...

juz now had bmgt presentation. they limit each group only 10 to 15 minutes per group. then our group knew our time was going to be like up. at the beginning we were like slow n steady la. but hor when it came to me n got 5 minutes left n behind me still got 2 ppl, i really bullet-train through my 3 slides. hahahas. then mervyn who was after me he jet plane through his slides la. hahas he talk super fast until he dunno wad he's talking and the audience dunno wad they're listening. lols. had around 1 minute + left for lucia but she didn't complete her slides la. i think left like 2 or 3 slides.hais... nvm presentation only 10% of that whole project ^^

finished dss pbl liaos~~~ but still have the presentation next mon. zzz. left like 3 days to do the presentation slides =.= and got some maec presentation due on mon also. some more just b4 the dss. zzz... chum la.

wondering whether i should go for iDare camp in sept... like supposed to pay now. but i dunno whether i should go a not! hais... now i don't feel like going leh. since i don't know who else is going... siannnn argh. zzz where have the guts tat i have at the beginning of the semester gone to?! rawr... tat time so on for camp now i dun even feel like going for iDare liaos. zzz... if there is some1 i know i will go. hahahahas.

ytd slept in blaw lecture. lalalas~ then aft blaw did dss at canteen 1. kept redo-ing n redo-ing the stupid macro. zzz... but at least we kinda finished le la ^^ tats y 2day can pass up mah hahahas.

wed lms~ as usual it was dam boring =.= hahahahahas. we like play game do dunno wad for 1 hour + then cher juz show us 1 video tats quite short tats all. end liaos. lols. went dapao the teriyaki rice bowl from atrium n brought food to class and eat. n the amazing thing is tat the sign at the door says " no food and drinks, no music, no gaming" still got 1 more rule i 4get liaos. but anw i can rmb tat the whole class broke ALL the 4 rules lalalas~ after lms went ourspace do dss. dss discussion like ended at 1+ then i stay in space until 5+ =.= hahahas. was playing pokemon wif jasmine and we 2 occupy one whole table la. :)

tue had 2 tests. blaw mcq quite ok bah. infa test was HORRIBLE. cher alr tole us the marks liaos. i got 56/100. lowest in class. again. rawr... beta make sure cher nvr mark wrongly... but heng i neh fail. argh everytime the more impt tests/exam my result like shit. then the class tests make me seem like i'm dam pro =.= dss after infa test o.0

mon got drenched in the rain. think tats all i rmb. hahahahahahahahas. oh n we did dss. as usual =.=

yes my whole week revolved around dss =.= zzz. but at least WE FINISHED IT! hahahahahahas. anw deadline is like today midnite. if i still havent finish tat means something go wrong liaos...

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