Saturday, August 29, 2009


bmgt was quite ok. maec was horrigible. infa at least i balanced the whole thing! though every1 came out of the exam hall wif all the different answers =.= but i'm one of the few who balanced it n it's the 1st ever time i balanced it :) gyahahas

after infa went 'celebration'. hahahas. but i won't call celebrating at amk a real celebration la =.= hahahas. watched "where got ghost". quite scary. it's still a scary movie only there's parts that u can laugh at n not spend the whole show screaming ur lungs out or something. then went andy's house play daidi revolution then played mahjong. next time don't put a lousy player in charge of teaching a rookie mahjong :P i still sux at it. so lihe nvr 'hu' at all. not even a 'zha hu' hahahahas. either my luck cancelled out her beginner's luck or my luck was waaaaaay more dominant than the beginner's luck =.= left at around 9+ then went eat western somewhere near jubilee there. food quite ok la but i nvr finished :X guys ate it up gyahaha. lalalas~

now that holidays started i don't really know what to do. shall i download audi? :) hahahas. maybe i should download audi n play wif all my np frens hahahahas. ok i'm still super lame =.=

teacher's day celebration next monday? :) yesh i think i'll occupy my 7wks going back to MF almost every single week~~~ hahahahas. it's a very nonsensical way to spend my holidays =.=

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

1st paper down :) 3 more to go. that's a long way to go. hais. FRIDAY!!! :)

blaw was ... quite ok la. coz i really tried to stuff wadeva my brain can remember into my head. n then spit wadeva i can remember out too. hahahas. dunno why the lac so many marks. i look at the marks and almost fainted and started writing out all the crap n wadeva i can think of. can use or cannot use lac also juz use la. short questions was like i can't remember some facts o.0 but at least majority of it was out already la. prays i get 75 and above. hahaha. dun wan aim for AD le la. impossible liaos. if i can get 75 already very happy. think A or even B i might be jumping already. taking into consideration those previous tests that i almost flunk...

waited at the amk bus stop for like 45 minutes. n then was like freaking out all the way to exam coz we were running late. in the end missed the 10mins reading time but still considered we reach there 'on time'. ALL the roads jam like shit =.=

heard from janice that fri got 4A class gathering. as usual i'm one of the last few to be informed of it hahahas. but my paper ends like at 4 leh =.= wonder if my poly class will like go out n celebrate the end of exams also a not. hais... dilemma about where to go after exams huh? hahahaha. wonder 4a class gathering will go where eat. i wanna eat seafood n i wanna watch movie~~~ hahahas. ok i'm being demanding =.=

anyway 4a peeps, MF's official teacher's day is on the coming wed. which i suddenly remembered that it's janice's and ruixiang's bday. hahahahas. n which is tmr. the following mon (31st aug) got no cher day celebration coz it's a no CCA day when they start school at like 8.30. n wadeva it was tat joey was trying to explain to me. but the school will be open though. their lessons should end at around 2.30. oh i think there's oral too... oral or listening compre or something la. dunno wad exam around tat period of time. if i never get my facts that far wrong. i better go ask joey...

BMGT time~! i have not even touched it at all since i came home from blaw. zzz... went for a nap instead. guilty :x

Sunday, August 23, 2009

the table i'm studying on attacked me!

my poor bleeding thumb... (ok though it stopped bleeding alr but it still hurts)

studying almost everyday, and yet i don't think i can finish revising on time? weird... zzz...

back to that irritating blaw that's killing the scarce brain cells i have.

5 more days to my last paper ^^ and i'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! gyahahas.

happy mugging to all those poly ppl out there. i emphatize wif u all. hahahas. since i'm one of them =.=

mug mug mug.
no i don't mean the one u use to drink from =.=

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

nothing much. just keep studying. no studying only when i'm out of the house. slacking every other minute when i'm at home =.= zzz... dunno how i'm gonna get good grades la. lalala~


muahahahas. holidays rox la.

ytd studied at bishan library. 2day went cai er's house ^^ to study la. but as usual i'll be sleeping for a while =.= i'm a lazy bum i know. stayed for dinner and went home myself. on the way out of her house got this uncle in this car stop and ask me where i want to go and whether i needed a ride. i was like answering quite rudely no. and he drove away. wonders whether he had good intentions or bad intentions =.= maybe he's some random neighbour. wadeva it is he's a weirdo.

there was some fire at my blk on the 2nd floor during the evening i think. didn't see anything. coz reach home almost 9pm le mah. only saw 2 fire engines n a police car at the carpark downstairs. only when i reach home then my dad said got fire. lucky i live on the 8th floor not somewhere near there... hahas. but i don't think there were any injuries la.

yeah damn bored. i should really read my tutorials. zzz... but it's boring!!! hais wad subj shall i do tmr?? hmm... hahas. blaw again? infa? maec? or bmgt? wait that's all my subjects liaos =.=

bishan library tommorow again! hahas

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

study break~~~ :))) hahahas. it's equals to having holidays =.= coz i am like slacking so much. zzz... no motivation la. howwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... lucky lihe pulls me out to study :) hahahas. wonder if i can finish studying at all a not. when at home, i open up the textbook/lecture notes, read a few lines, closes my eyes in attempt to memorise, and falls asleep for 15 minutes despite sleeping for almost 12 hours alr. hahahas. i know i'm a pig =P

exam dates:
14th aug (this fri!): DSS
25th aug (tue): BLAW
25th aug (wed): BMGT
26th aug (thu): MAEC
27th aug (fri): INFA

die la blaw 1st paper. zzz... hates blaw. always just pass. rawr!!! better focus more on blaw. zzz... lucky maec do until so so liaos... studying in library is good :) hahahahas. anywhere not at home in fact =.=

watching 命中now :) so funny. hahahas.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

watching ndp now~ ciaos~

Friday, August 7, 2009

time for my weekly post hahahas :P

next week holidays liaos~~~ but it's study break =.= hais... exams on 25th aug. damn sad. obvious reason is of coz i havent start studying yet...

2day had lessons for like only 2 hours =.= infa and bmgt.hahahas. 2 hour lunch break went to bukit timah plaza eat some ulu ulu cafe or wadeva u call it. food sux and it's super expensive. zzz... $8.90 for 1 plate of fried rice? hahahas. but of coz i didn't eat tat la =.= ate some set meal with some gardenia bread-like kinda bun+butter, then tomato soup, miserable piece of fish and chips, 1 teeny weeny scoop of ice cream tat zhengning really finish in one bite, and tasteless barley drink. zzz... super ex la. dun think tat the variety is there. the quality sux and the size sux. bmgt tutorial last tutorial of sem 1 quite high la. got a grade for bmgt proj~ :) then went celebrate national day at CC. so fun. hahahas. very high. koped 2 goodie bags. inside got discount coupon for use in school, whistle, clappers, notebook, lotsa sweets and a lollipop, 1 pkt of tissue. cant rmb got wad else. n jasmine koped 8 of those bags =.= think andy and mervyn koped quite a lot also. reception ate sushi ^^ so nice loveeee sushi. hahahahas.

thur was like normal day la. infa tutorial totally cracked our heads, n blaw lecture had the revision lecture. really makes me think tat i might flunk blaw...

wed lms 2 hours. took photos since it was the last day, and the cher only talked nonsense for 5 mins. rest of the time i was playing games hahahahas. went home and continued playing pokemon. this sooooooooooooo explains my non-studying mood. zzz...

tue 2 revision lectures, both i wasn't listening. hahaha. 1st lecture(INFA) i was like sleeping through the middle part. think i missed out a lot of hints la. zzz.... 2nd lecture i was pokemon-ing throughout the whole lecture, only like started copying stuff near the end. =x i know i am like sooooooooooo dead... blaw tutorial in the early morn was juz as worse la no nid say de. as usual i wasn't listening. ohhh n the part where tat stupid angmoh bombard us wif super weird qns like "wad colour should ur answer be in?" and "what is the colour of the case trust logo?" irritating angmoh la purposely bombard my group. zzz... he can win some award for the weirdest questions asked in the history of mankind.

mon MAEC lecture and tutorial. then had dss presentation. presentation sux la hais... hate presentation. but at least it marked the end of presentations and projects! for the 1st sem =.= zzz... cher came super late and delayed the whole class' presentations. we were like supposed to like come in at different interval slots, den coz the thing delay, then the whole class so happens to be there liaos. zzz... supposed to be half hour for each group mah...

ok bathe time. some1 motivate me to study. please. thankyou. and stop me from playing pokemon. and stop me from looking forward to the holidays coz it juz makes me more of in the hol mood =.=


Sunday, August 2, 2009

woke up at 2+pm today muahahahahahahahahahas :) i siao de wake up so late. ^^

went back for MFGG campfire~ overall quite successful la. better than last year at least. this year the other school guides i think only send their sec1s or something. coz a looooooooot of songs ar it's like no1 singing liddat. like the ging gang goolie so easy de also de whole hall damn quiet o.0 good job to emcees xiaowei and samantha :) i know u all tried your best liaos.

as usual i was damn high la =.= lalalas~ if i not high then it's even more wrong liaos~ was like so zi-high when i woke up already. then when i reached school i kept shouting and screaming and jumping around. people must really think i am crazy =.= dun care i all along like no image liaos~ hahahahahahas.

did gateway~ hid in the sailors that corner under the stairs lor. n we neh mess up the place la o.0 were supposed to scare people since the theme was horror =.= scaring people was definitely not scary. so many people kept saying "not scary!" really wan throw thing at them. rawr. but if people do get scared it's good la. only did gateway for a while. like 1 hour? then adeline and CE went on strike =.= of coz i can't continue w/o them la. so embarrassing 1 person stand there wif the stupid garbage bag over my head, wearing white gloves and scare people in the bright daylight? doesn't work anyway =.= it's tooooooooooooooo BRIGHT!!! went to recep table n talk to aishah for the rest of the scaring part liao la. think it was debbie chee who thought of using the plastic bags to scare people? damn super successful. even BETTER than the initial plan to scare people. + chinhow's HIGH-PITCH scream and both mingxuan and chinhow bursting the bags? lols. next time don't scare MFGG alumni la =.= but i wasn't the 1 being scared by them so lalalas~

campfire started, zi-highing throughout the songs in the front part. singing at the top of my lungs. sorry to those whom eardrums i burst~ but i don't think it was THAT bad la =.= pizza wif the laoren and CE and bel. hahahas. heard a lot of the screams and songs and who know wad else inthe canteen where we ate dinner. hahas. i faster chiong upstairs to see the sec 4s performance with the chicken drumstick in hand lols :) i'm unglam i know. sec 4s performance weren't tat great anw. didn't suit the campfire theme =.= zzz... went downstairs continue chit chatting lalalas~

refreshments was like ... bread spread with nutella squashed together into an aluminium tray + rose syrup(?). still heard one group of guides say the drinks sux. the drinks actually alr very nice le lor. at least it's not diluted =.=

for those people who havent gone back to MF since eons ago, i think the school is CHANGING A LOT NOW. waste money go replace the teacher's board( or wadeva u call it) outside the General Office, then some more ADD 2 TVs OUTSIDE THE COUNSELLOR ROOM FOR WII(as wad CE said). bet that the staff room is also renovated and there's some room somewhere that looks nicer than before. AND THE SCHOOL IS BUILDING THE INDOOR SPORTS HALL AT THE PARADE SQUARE. rawr. no more parade square to drill ppl under hot sun liaos!!! zzz... so rich donate to guides la. cut cca budget to do all this =.= some more give excuse say economy bad. rawr! if give guides more budget we won't need to serve nutella bread as refreshments for campfire le la!!!!

xiexie and good job to all guides, alumni and scouts :) guides for being so initiative n clearing up so fast, alumni for helping out (me included of coz!), and scouts for helping us at gateway (and who knows where else) and for eating some of the leftover nutella bread. hahahahahas :)


random: r'ced the email from jasmine for the maec project. opened the file and saw this: "This is all just craps! I neh know how to do! **** kalai!" in font size 36(compared to font size 11 it really is big...) i really laugh until my stomach ache la =.= shhhhh don't tell her hahahahs.
PS kalai's a classmate. just tat she happens to assign the most DIFFICULT question to our group to do... hahas oh n she's the most uncooperative member who loudly claims that she has "no project to do" when there was still 1 last project left. n leave her poor groupmates finishing the whole project themselves. since the work she did needs to be redid again =.= heng i not in her group muahahahas.

ok i really feel so e-vil... :X