Saturday, August 29, 2009


bmgt was quite ok. maec was horrigible. infa at least i balanced the whole thing! though every1 came out of the exam hall wif all the different answers =.= but i'm one of the few who balanced it n it's the 1st ever time i balanced it :) gyahahas

after infa went 'celebration'. hahahas. but i won't call celebrating at amk a real celebration la =.= hahahas. watched "where got ghost". quite scary. it's still a scary movie only there's parts that u can laugh at n not spend the whole show screaming ur lungs out or something. then went andy's house play daidi revolution then played mahjong. next time don't put a lousy player in charge of teaching a rookie mahjong :P i still sux at it. so lihe nvr 'hu' at all. not even a 'zha hu' hahahahas. either my luck cancelled out her beginner's luck or my luck was waaaaaay more dominant than the beginner's luck =.= left at around 9+ then went eat western somewhere near jubilee there. food quite ok la but i nvr finished :X guys ate it up gyahaha. lalalas~

now that holidays started i don't really know what to do. shall i download audi? :) hahahas. maybe i should download audi n play wif all my np frens hahahahas. ok i'm still super lame =.=

teacher's day celebration next monday? :) yesh i think i'll occupy my 7wks going back to MF almost every single week~~~ hahahahas. it's a very nonsensical way to spend my holidays =.=

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