Sunday, October 4, 2009

lalalas~ no more photos le la i lazy upload :)

Friday went Sim Lim Sq wif lihe to buy her laptop stuff. coz her keyboard tat area spoil then she have to buy those things to 'sub'. flexible keyboard, usb port n optical mouse. now i hope my laptop won't ever spoil. coz there's no way am i ever going to lug all those things to sch... :P

Ytd went Pasir Ris for Mid-autumn festival celebration. BBQ la in other words. my aunt's friend's bbq n she invited our family too. lol. It was raining when we reach there. well it practically rained the whole time we were there. but at least our bbq still can carry on la. we found a nice biiig shelter wif no light =.= played games too ^^ lighting up lanterns the fastest, 猜谜语,blow balloons. quite lol but quite fun la :) even my grandma participated haha :) mid-autumn festival must of course have the festive goods la. mooncake & pomelo. mooncake was nice la. all the weird but nice flavours :P that's about all of yesterday ^^

2day nothing much la. slept at home the whole day lor. that's what i'm best at :)

jiayous everyone for exams. well exception of the poly people ^^

i wan my guides cookies~~~ :P

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