Sunday, May 27, 2012

Graduation Blues


The grad ceremony n grad nite has whizzed passed oh so quickly already. Really, there were so many bittersweet memories that we have encountered in our 3 years of poly life.

I will always remember the me in Year 1, as usual feeling unknown to my surroudings, but with luck being together with people i know in the camps and in my classes. But usually, the first years in schools often consists of people who slowly drift apart, n more closer friendships are forged with others. Even until the point where a clique of your own was formed, the opportunities to continue befriending everyone else still continues.

As we sat down at Harry's at Holland V last night after the Grad Nite, i realised that most of these people there did not exactly start with me from Year 1 Sem 1. In fact, i only knew them better because they are the friends of my friends, who kinda drifted apart from them n somehow we all ended together here. We may not have enjoyed many clique outings together, but i certainly look forward to the ones which will be planned. (aka sabo-ing me to be the planner)

Nothing bad happened at grad ceremony (other than the embarrassing fact that i looked grouchy in the video coz i didn't smile after taking my "cert"), and it was all fun and joy, taking photos together with close friends and just friends~ even cai er came down to NP to celebrate my graduation. Sorry that i neglected her because i was still busy taking photos with whoever was left in the CC. Dinner together with cai er and my family at MOF after that. Really my bestest friend of 13 years and counting <3

Ytd was the Grad Nite 2012, held at Alumni Clubhouse. I guess the place wasn't that much of an issue for me, but the food was really terrible n the drinks were too. But thank you the organisers for all the fun games, awesome performances and awkward emcee speeches~

And definitely a big thank you to the lecturers and tutors who have taught us. Even though some of your teaching methods may not be approved by all, but we still know in our hearts your passion for teaching and your care and concern for us students~ Even though you may not remember the less significant us, n even though i can't remember your names nor which modules u have taught us, but still thank you <3

And then to all my friends out there, thank you all of you! As i told Rachelle, I may not remember all those nicknames u have "bestowed" upon me, but i will definitely respond to it. You have been part of my blissful 3 years in NP, my beloved project group members and study buddie (slacktime/playime buddies too). I believe 10 years down the road, you will really become what you want to be.

For now, we have to part ways (sadly enough). Guys gotta do their mandatory NS (there goes all my guy friends) n girls gotta continue their studies or work, albeit overseas or in local unis or local private unis (bye my good friends all going to different places from me 😢😭). It's gonna be me, alone with myself, and looking forward to the new peeps i gonna meet in future!

I won't forget all of you! We will stay in touch and meet up soon~ As usual, the future may be uncertain but as long as there's a will, there will be a way!~

Miss you all peeps from NP!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

graduation day?

Graduation ceremony is coming soon!! On 22 may!~

I think graduation day would be funny. My 3 rumoured boyfriends along with the respective batches of friends who created the rumours will be there~ HAHAHA It's still quite funny why they like to create rumours for me. N yes i will conveniently avoid these ppl aft the rumours =.= and they will too~

Graduation day is gonna be a blast still!! Looking forward to it!

P.S. so many of the ppl i know have graduated with a diploma with merit. Zai max! Grats n i spent about 1 hour to get over my shock, disappointment in myself, n how bloody smart they are even if they never claimed it. 1 hr is really a lot since i dun stay feeling bad for long. Oh n along with the 2 other ppl i know that got the lee kuan yew award, grats! All of you freaking smart asses who in a way had done MF proud~