Thursday, April 9, 2015



Somehow we became really fast friends. Maybe coz I was once from NP and she is still studying there now. But I made a good friend through an online game. Like seriously WOW. I thought I had qualms about who I meet online. But somehow I now suddenly have a whole bunch of friends from online who are my real life friends now. 

I should thank Lumi for making me meet Kuam. And somehow along the way I had put down all my insecurities, and attempted to bare my heart to people whom I know. Thanks Kuam for helping me make the first step to reach out to people whom I care about. Thanks for encouraging me to share more about myself. And showing me that life is not all glitz and glamour; sometimes unglams are the way to go to make someone's day. 

Listening to your stories are never a burden. It's pure entertainment and it is always so funny. I know I always feel the need to advise. I still like to advise you even if you don't ever listen to me. Coz that's what I like best which is to analyze things HAHAHA. 

I had really learnt a lot of things about myself. The short less than 1 year journey with this friend has been a really good one. Thanks loads <3

And hey the ones who read my blog; you are seeing an intimate side of me whom I never show to others. Like never with my real long term friends. All the better coz my real friends from school always teases me so it's better for them not to know HAHAHA. Andddd there's too much gossip here... 

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