Friday, September 11, 2015

NDP interview qns from Jess

What did you choose to volunteer for NDP?
I chose to volunteer because it was fun. I get to interact with people and do something for the community in the process. And learning never stops. 

What are some difficulties you faces when managing a group of volunteers?
Its hard to bond the group, when everyone comes from different walks of life. I want to make my group remember NDP as a fun experience, so they can keep on volunteering for different causes with the same heart. 

How do you bond with your volunteers?
I try to talk to them more, try to connect with them on the things close to their heart. Zi-high does help 😜

What is the most memorable moment in your volunteering experience so far?
Lots of memorable moments~ how about getting dictated my stubborn raymond huang to do things his way... πŸ˜‚ but otherwise my most memorable will be during NE2, when all the groups worked together so well and efficiently, that we finished packing the whole North Gallery in 2 hours 😎 

What does NDP means to you?
It is a celebration of the nation's birthday, and it also celebrates the beautiful integration and coming together of many different people. Spirit and humanity is especially strong this day

Posting here so I can delete the note in my phone. 

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