Thursday, September 1, 2016

Mud's last day

Today (assuming it is still 31 August since I am still awake) is Ahmad's last day with BCO... Quite sad that he's leaving. Although its for a mandatory thing since he is going to serve the country. 

Though the deliverables which he does are not exactly perfect, but he really has a super good heart and very easy-going with everyone in the team. Forever helping me with whatever I ask him to do because I hate keying in things. And always chatting with me, causing me to have no time to finish my work (oops). Yes I should totally cut down on my IM usage. 

Oh well Ahmad has been like my best intern friend since I tell him all sorts of gossip and nonsense. Like really can talk to him nonstop and disturb him a lot. But then again, Charmaine is also just as daebak. 

And today after giving him his present, he was so touched that he almost cried. So sweet sia. And its a longchamp bag. And when AAS saw the paper bag, their reactions were all like WAHHHH IS THAT REAL. And this Ahmad have to go and spoil the moment by sneaking off to the fridge to get the Royce chocolates he bought. Wanted to see him cry sia. 

And pokemon hunting is fun as usual. HAHA. 

"Never hunt alone; pokemon hunting is always better with someone around" - Annonymous (aka me) 

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