Friday, July 18, 2008


Hais sumting vair vair sot wif my comp nowadays hahas
Anw sry to all coz i juz cant seem to be able to save the template of the blogskin...
shall try it out at someone's hse maybe. (Cheryl, it may not necessary be u ^^)
So i shall have 2 survive wif dis skin now...

Tat gay khalid's Eng lesson was boring...half the time i dun even noe wad he's talking abt anw. again he slacked through the 1st half hr(abt there) by disappearing ^^ It's nice for him to pull those disappearing acts least we can do wadeva we lyk. Chi: Ms Ham was talking about those China history, which i really am totally clueless about... but still managed to learn something and not fall asleep. anw dese old China facts at least are way more interesting than those paper 1 and paper 2 ^^ ; i juz nid to listen i dunnid much of reading and writing haha. Slackerz~! Geo: Mr Luo showed us some vids. tat irritating person beside me (it can be my imaginary fren *wink* i'm not implying anything haha) dunno why so many comments de. watch jus watch quietly mah. at least muz w8 until the vid finish den start commenting mah... but the vids was interesting though. Maths: double Fam which he spent lecturing about him smiling to the principal. lols! went through tat amat specimen paper we did on Wed. a very nice just C5 for me though ^^ at least i thought i would fail or something... Chem sup: 2day is Mr Heng's last day liao. nxt wk parimala coming back hais... wonder if she come back wad will she do... hope she doesn't ask for tat alkane alkene thingy summary on the art block de ba... when Heng left the class we all gave a very enthu bye den dismissed ourselves liao hahas.

2day no Guides so went wif Cheryl to try to chg dis bloggie skin. didn't manage to even access the net at AMK Macs... so spent the time looking at Cheryl's past convos and listening 2 music. and munching on the excessive amt of fries (i noe lijing u are so going to complain abt those fats and stuff haha). Amazingly tats abt 2 hrs gone wahaha. Beta hope tat I wun get a sore throat tmr! i'll lose my ability to talk =( or at least talk normally. going to start dosing all those water down my throat liaos. (Blame the durians i ate ytd also!but it was nice...)

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