MFGG campfire '08. Theme: Dance Revolution!

Our 2 emcees for that night, Joey and Hui Shan! ^^

The very messy "Thousand-legged worm"


Sec 3 guides singing and swaying (very not in sync) to the music(last performance). Dunno where the trees come from... ^^ Maybe Lian Yi's supporters...hmm...

Hui Shan and a scout from dunno which sch dancing 'oh so lovingly' to the music in one of the games ^^ wahaha
Credits to MF sch website tat is meant for photos ^^ I personally didn't take alot of photos...
Yay i learnt how to upload photos faster than lijing wahaha.
Cheryl ur face is only so minute in one of the pictures so dun kill me ar ^^ hehe. Miss the laughter in guides... Was SOO much fun in the cf hehe. cyas tmr :)
Oh and i am very very glad my face only appeared 3 times in this section. zzz... that is 3 out of 178... and all are so weird. hais...
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