Monday, July 28, 2008

oh my mum is just so pro...ytd night, my grandma cooked chrysanthymum tea.Was having a slight sore throat ytd (and still is now) so i had to drink it(my grandma cook specially 4 me de ^^).So i spent quite some time pouring the chrysanthymum tea without the petal (the petal tastes funny).My mum got fed up with me being so slow so she called me back into the room to study while she poured the chrysanthymum tea.i did specify to her that i didn't want the petals, so she took out a plastic bag and poked a few holes into it using a fork. coz my house is seriously lacking of filters anw.Somehow or other she poured 4 me chrysanthymum tea really without the petals (I'm so touched!). When my sister ask my mum how she managed to and is it use a filter.My mum joked saying that she used the filter from the sink.hahas
Hais my mum is just so creative...somehow i didn't manage to inherit the creative gene.My sis did though hehe.

Realised only yesterday that Mdm Ng is pregnant for 3 months imagine that i only got the that she is pregnant only a few weeks wonder she already started wearing those maternity clothes. yeah i found out that she is 3 mths pregnant only after reading my junior's blog ^^

Just went with my grandmother to see the doctor to wash her ears. the doc didn't manage to get a lot of the ear wax out despite the medicine given to drip in her ear. Have to go back again tmr, but i can't accompany her coz tmr got 2 sup lessons.zzz sian ar...totally lost the mood to do anything.Is this the after-effect of too much stress? weird... anw i don't think i am really that stress... but the point is this time the stress would pressure me to study. which is what i am not really doing now. Maybe too much tests gave me this numb feeling towards stress already...

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