Sunday, July 27, 2008


oh i quite long no post already. at least maybe slightly more frequent than lijing ^^

Fri was ROD 4 guides.All the GG stand in the drizzle for less than 1hr i think.we formed a horseshoe formation with Cai Er and the teachers at the opening end.Peck Hui didn't come so its sad =( Anw, me and isabelle was communicating with our facial expressions and i am still amazed that i managed to understand what she is talking least most of the time.We had to communicate like that as there was this big big area that we were seperated by.Its a formal occasion so yeah we cant talk or scream across. i kept smiling so i must have looked retarded...
Aishah is the CL, Lian Yi the ACL and i am very glad that our commander is Fong Ning ^^ (coz she's from my patrol muahahas). So far 3 years consecutive is Bougan as commanders.Next year sure cannot make it de.

After the ceremony was celebration time, which is Pizza from Canadian Pizza.(It's a yearly affair). Quite predictable who ate the most pizza ^^ (ME of course ^^) total 4 flavours, i ate one of each, + another one of the BBQ chicken ones with lesser toppings (Hui Shan took my toppings!) I think the best was the turkey thingy, not Hawaiian. Yeah and once again i got the grand job of getting the 1st slice of pizza. Make me sound so much like a greedy bum. De-brief now conducted by the new heads + Ms Tang and Mdm Ng, while we 3 sat on the benches behind talking about the old times (woah we sure are old...) talking a bit too loudly, so we didn't pay attention to what the teachers were saying.suddenly they started clapping so we just joined in, totally clueless. Then they clapped again, and i am still clueless. hahas. The last time they clap was for the seniors(us) so we cheered ^^

The new committee had COH, while the retired committee and non-commitee people fooled around behind.(that includes me ^^) Bad juniors stuffed me with more food(tidbits!) hais...No wonder i didn't manage to eat any dinner that night ^^. the Auntie (Samantha ^^) was saying we are all ahmas alr. Racial Harmony was on that day and we were still making quite racist jokes...Then we started saying what type of ahmas are we. Well, Cai Er would be the 1 suffering from oesteoporosis, Isabelle the back problem one, Me the bai ka one (lame mah), and Peck Hui the senile and mental prob one (she sure can go crazy sometimes!). then played with my bottle again. Its my only weapon against their 'pump'.oh well...when COH released, Hui Shan came over and she started sparring with isabelle,chasing each other around(with my water bottle!).then i was saying 'later OM come' and he really appeared.zzz...He chased us home so we went home laughing like idiots.hahas.

It was fun. The most boring part that day was during lunch time.started gathering around already, and so sad i am the only Sec 4 amongst them since I got no Chem remedial (anw there's only 3 other Sec 4s...) Joey's lame jokes were...very very cold. surprised so many people dunno what's an avalanche anw...I think the people around us really think Guides are crazy people:made a hell lot of noise. yeah the crazy juniors was looking at me eat also. make me laugh.good thing i managed to keep those food in my mouth ^^

hmm maybe thats all for Fri (although I am like 2 days late alr).thinking of going back again next week secretly to spy on them. See 1st again lor.haha.going study Bio liao byes!~

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