Thursday, July 24, 2008

OMG dis is so embarrassing...
went 4 tution just now(as in d clock now reads 12.22 tat means it has been practically 4-5 hrs alr... i h8 d way the ppl cram students in2 classes.imagine 20+ ppl having 2 cram in2 a bloody small classroom.hais... the tution cher always complains abt dis 'conducive environment' ^^
Anw i came slightly ltr by tat bit cos of some stupid jam so that tiny classroom is packed alr.i opened n closed n opened tat door again, peered around, asked a super dumb qn to the class 'where 2 get the chair?' wif almost 20 eyes staring back at me, went out again, found a chair somewhere outside the classroom, struggled back again 2 pull the bloody chair in.without help.i h8 guys...zzz.only aft i struggled n embarrassed myself summore den d 2 guys sitting near d door held it open wif their feet.zzz.irritable. but lucky i wasn't the last...but the last had the cher 2 hold open the door =( the world's not fair hais...

i was the 1st one to leave the centre anw.could have died of more embarrassment dere n den.lols.anw it wasn't the 1st most embarrassing moment, n i noe it will not be the last. i guess i'll have 2 live wif my own embarrassment den.i think i'll be laughing at it, but tat will be many many years down the road =.= But actually it doesn't matter.others tend 2 4get the worst things one do, n instead concentrate on the gd ones.jus lyk how Cheryl cant rmb i squirted water at her during her 1st/2nd drill session ^^ hahas.

hmm found out lijing's stomach really really has a high capacity;it can contain so mucho food.wahahas...mayb it shows tat the smaller u are, the more u eat.hahas.

Tmr ROD and Racial Harmony Day too. dun look at me i m not going 2 wear any ethnic costumes ^^ unless any1 wans 2 consider my guides full-u as tat =) hmm 4 the benefit of those who dunno, ROD is sumting lyk a handover ceremony for guides. n its a troublesome 1. hahas. can finally officially declare step down aft tmr le. but aft step down le i sure will go visit dem de... hehes.
i beta go sleep liao going 1am lerhx.nitex and tatas!~

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