Saturday, August 16, 2008

oh yay! I broke record. muahahas more than 1 week no post wonder its dead.
the week went in a blur (err i think every week goes in a blur...)
yeah had Eng oral and got my Chi results on Tue. B3 for Chi ^^ and i managed to make the examiners laugh (if my brain havent start failing me, i think i did...) for eng oral ^^. Woots but that still doesnt gurantee me a gd result for Eng, but nvm wads over would always be over ^^
gonna retake my Chi and so seriously hope that i don't get a worse grade. dun mind getting back the same grade anw =) oh i am weird zzz
Wed had compre course aft sch n during maths our class did manage to get mr fam to talk endlessly about his past.anw all the better for him to least we can do our own things ^^
thur i dun rmb anyting
Fri aft sch almost wanted to go together aft w8ing 4 pari for 15 mins for her 2 start chem class.its bad that she's always so late. but in the end she still came.hais...gave us a 2006 chem o lvl paper, and i copied a lot of answers from Ying Thong's TYS ans.40 mcq questions, i took more than 45 mins i tink...
2day got compre course at woodlands library.nth much again but learnt something.damn embarrassing to leave my tution class lyk 20 mins early.zzz...

hmm blog reviving needed. ^^

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