Saturday, August 23, 2008

wee~~ Back to this crazy keyboard and dead blog.i seriously suspect noone's reading i guess it will mostly remain dead. oh well what can i do ^^
prelims are like starting NEXT MONDAY! Argh. I'll die soon during those science papers after the Sept holidays. Not sure if i still can finish my chi paper in time too. i seriously lost touch with it... =)

yeah and it's another whole week that i didn't blog. an unearthly time now : it's 3+. The good kids are asleep.all except for this naughty one who took too long an afternoon nap and can't really fall asleep now. Argh i am really going crazy. whether or not it's good or bad depends on how u look at it then.

Let's see...
Mon: 4 free periods which i spent quite a lot of the time trying to fall asleep and also sleeping. and then i would get nagged to start work. ^^ ehs Khalid's lesson i don't remember what i did.then its CE which we have to go to the theaterette for some talk by Ngee Ann poly. a very relaxing day for a school day after all ^^

Tue: had our very very last PE lesson =( oh i think it is very abnormal for me to enjoy PE lessons. i still do hate exercising though. a bit. Powerball was nice! erm 3/4 of the class played?or more than that i think. really made a lot of noise though.spent quite a lot of time idling and watching the game while in the game. if you get what i mean. main job is still guarding the cones after all ^^ really formed a human wall in front of one cone during the last game with pegasus against all other houses.and that game ate into our recess (more like we wanted it to stretch over time) and hakim did chase us out of the hall.only we didn't really bother.

Wed: erm not that very interesting i think.other than the part where Erica and Lijing seems to be reading the same mind; when call for teacher will call at the same time, or even start calling my name at EXACTLY the same time.but i think it was for different reasons. hahas. they made me end up in a huge laughing fit that i think ended 5 mins later or something. people really must think that i am crazy.

yeah and my grandma woke up just to realise that it's going to 3.30 and just might be thinking i am crazy.

back to topic.THUR: erm what happened on thur ar? the only thing i remembered is that Khalid sprang a 'surprise' english test which i doubt he would ever mark. yeah and Mr Ng came in to 'invigilate' a while before disappearing without a trace. maybe there is a curse in this class that teachers like to pull disappearing acts.well i guess the only teacher not affected is Mr Fam... hahas

Fri: double english, which i spent playing with the magnet on the clip, staple bullets, paper clip and a rubberband. whilst the person on my right was dozing off (Khalid's voice is just as hypnotic as Ms Mok's ; only a degree lower i think) and the one on my left was busy reading (and highlighting) her chi newspaper. muahaha. don't even know at all what he went through. it's also the 1st ever time Mr Fam came in empty-handed for maths (with the exception of those markers) and started an interesting CE lesson when CE is supposed to be on Mon.nvm then.finished the maths qn (only about 4 parts left?) then spent most of the time playing with the clip and the rubberband.(and the paper clip too ; i decided to abandon the staple bullets). made a cute 'keychain' with these materials ^^. Sang happy b'day song to you yue(whose birthday is definitely not in aug) and a belated b'day song to Mr Fam (since he said that he only ever have a birthday celebration once when he was 21). As usual, i spent the time laughing through the b'day song again (something's very wrong with me; i always burst out laughing when people sing the birthday song). zzz... oh Mr Fam, being a maths teacher who claims is very poor at remembering dates, wrote only 2 sets of number on the board 2day: the overall replacement rate and the replacement rate for the Chi. which is 1.21 and 1.14 respectively. (It's a miracle i remebered it! hahas)

oo this IS a super long post. oh well i haven't learnt my lesson on not to bore people with too many words. well then happy reading this post. oh i see that u have finished reading it. nevermind then.

-maximise your craziness!-

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