Monday, November 24, 2008

i'm so sad... i ran out of blogs 2 read... zzz. (PS in laming mood dnd pls ^^)

yy n joey 's blogs all no update de... they 2 busy watching dbsk la. hais... crazy fans ^^
then LJ is working so maybe she no time update. nvm i dun blame her.she put up a funny enuf post liao. okie muz be my brain got problem everytime not funny things also laugh like hell...
some ppl going overseas, so maybe there goes their blog.
then theres some ppl who havent been updating their blog since millions of years ago haha
left that some who still updates ^^ thank goodness =)
oh and ISABELLE TEO dunno MIA until dunno where liao. wonder if her internet still sot sot de.

worse comes i'll be pressing the next button to read blogs =.= tats real sad... haha. if not i'll be randomly typing in crazy addresses and randomly reading.

oh i am crazy... nvm... supposed 2 be slping liao.woke up at 9am. tats so early ><><

and now my sister's friend is spamming her msn. 2 bad it's not mine...

back 2 point. after the breakfast at 11++, then went back home and start packing. zzz. kinda feel sad while throwing away the books. then nid seive out those 4 my sister and pack it in2 boxes. how irritating. dun tink she'll ever touch those stuff inside the boxes 2 years later...then eat lunch at 4+. hahas. kana forced de >< i'm not the thinnest but dunno y my parents juz love 2 stuff me wif food... then gamed and watched the gala nite thingy.quite nonsensical and boring anw. haha. but i laughed the loudest =.= (when was i not doing tat? zzz)

still here, eyes half closed, but not willing to sleep yet. tired of packing liao. tmr nid 2 pack the wardrobe. 2 many things alr =.= n i'm not finding any jobs i think ^^ my parents + grandma says stay at home wash window and paint the house. i dun mind painting but its best i do the brushes and not move away all those heavy stuff...

tink i'll go slp now...
-spammed cheryl's blog ^^ wonder if she will kill me... anw i kinda nid spammers 4 my own blog...-
Jia Yi

Thursday, November 20, 2008

yeah some photos 1st...dunno whether still got anymore 2 come... dis time i'm soo not gonna care whether it's glam or unglam... FYI, it's the farewell party on tue.

yan ying, me, isabelle, cai er, joey

yeah group shot. dun expect me to type out all the names of the ppl there ^^ i'll go crazy... notice the flowers on the left? fron left: isabelle's, mine, cai er's, peck hui's... all in order of ranking =)

CE, me, simin, nicole, PH, aishah, yan ying, isabelle...

Simin, CE, joey, lin hui, cheryl, bel, and ying han. i'm doing the peace sign some where behind i think. & can see aishah behind YH ^^

yeah i appeared... zzz wif my eyes closed ><. and i think yh's wrestling wif aishah who's behind... ^^

pei wen (snr), cheryl, CE, yh, joey strangling me ><, PH, YY, bel, and liping
(ps i'm gonna use short-form liaos...)

same as b4, but now wif me and joey pinching each other's cheek ><

yy, xiao wei, bel

yy, joey, bel...

us 4 + the guides teachers! (Ms Ho and Ms Tang. Mdm Ng went home alr...)

ehs i still hate the theme a lot ><>
yay!~ i am zi-highing at 4.16AM!! whoo hoo! laughing 2 myself alone in front of the computer in the empty living room~

see this is wad happens when i'm sleep-deprived. gonna wake up at 1+++ later ^^ i still dun feel lyk sleeping...hais...

yeah highing coz i saw funny pics. or at least ppl wun think it is funny but i'm laughing lyk shyt. hais. tats how crazy i am now. lalalas~

-nite nite ^^ tag ar i lyk ntg 2 do liaos...-
Jia Yi
(that's that 4 my 'long' psot ^^)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

yeah a bit late but nvm... wanted 2 post last nite aft farewell de but ended up staying awake til 3am to watch video ^^

ytd was farewell. the 1st ever farewell (in my 4 years in guides) that it didn't rain, the 1st ever year where all the graduating seniors(ME!!) made it (4 ppl ain't that hard to coordinate...), and also one of the fastest year where the BBQ fire was started... (when i was sec 1, the sec 2/3 batch in charge of the fire didn't manage 2 start it. end up it was mdm ng's husband who finally started the fire. last year, i was the one who started lighting up the fire using pathetic matchsticks, standing in the rain, with isabelle holding the umbrella. how sad i sight...). oh yeah it's also the 1st year (out of my 4 years) where the farewell is not held in pasir ris. BBQ farewell held in AMK... wad a refreshing(?) change. (i'm not being sarcastic...). kinda a lot of 1sts huh? anw i'm the only person(so far) who went 4 all 4 years of farewell ^^. and without fail being behind schedule 4 almost every year ^^

started of going with CE to AMK hub NTUC buy some tidbits for the juniors.(i'm so kind... as if ^^).but mostly coz bel bought some stuff 4 them so decided 2 juz buy 4 the jnrs lor. bought a pack of chocs which contains 20 pkts inside. only later found out from lian yi that there were 21 ppl present. but i still had leftovers coz some didn't want. either that or the 21 included us 4...

'ushered' to the BBQ location by aishah, yh and jh. me, CE and bel looked lyk pink retards (the theme was pink ><) standing outside hub. vair embarrassing. was thinking that some1 would think we are trying to promote awareness 4 breast cancer =.= ended up when we reached the location, almost no1 wore pink >< (point is when was i not gullible? zzz)
the 'welcoming' ceremony would be being tumbled (trustfall in a circle) by the juniors. lets see... this tumbling thing was invented by one of my seniors during guides camp when i was sec 1/2... i kept complaining (yeah some1 give me some award of being the spoilsport of the year ^^) and attempted to escape the circle. but still was touched by the efforts of the farewell party commitee. they tried to get the most guides to attend, and they planned the activities quite well(which i didn't even bother 2 plan any activities last year). i didn't even spend tat much effort in planning last year's farewell... yeah 4got i was in a serious poking mood ytd, so whichever close junior i see i'm bound to poke them.(say i'm crazy ^^) let's hope that if wadeva tummyache they get 2day is hopefully not caused by me...
after the 'welcoming' circle, we hanged about and chatted. and i'm the 1st guinea pig to test whether the chicken is edible. it's not fully cooked, but i didn't have any diarrhea after eating anything...(jnrs: its a achievement la. compared to the undercook spaghetti ^^). finally the juniors are willing to serve the seniors. (that time last day of sch, i was so happy tat sec 3s served us u noe...lyk once in a blue moon...) yeah i sot sot de la...
other than eating, took a lot of photos. will upload the more glam ones when ms ho sends it 2 me ^^. haha. yeah and we knew that the juniors will definitely sabo us. so got 1 grp of juniors plotted to throw ice cube down the back of my shirt. the other 3 were luckier and managed 2 escape from that ><. but i didn't feel a thing when they threw it down. coz my shirt was quite loose. the only thing that hurt was when they pulled the neck of the shirt... glad i didn't get strangled =.=
for farewell prezzie, was given a bunch of hand-made roses and a jar of cookies. cookies are certified to be edible ^^ quite nice la. the plain wif choco chips de nicer. but my sis ate most of the cookies... CE's bag got no space so she carried the bunch of flowers home on hand. she was like starting 2 hide the bunch of flowers behind her back when we entered the hub. haha. oh n we got a big bag of chips as one of the farewell prezzies too...lols. but thx to the sec 3s for the unique farewell prezzies ^^. ok and whoever else who was involved in the making of the presents.
lol have typed this while watching tv for more than 1 hour alr... lol

-i noe i very long winded so am very sorry! hehe-
Jia Yi ^^

so here's a picture as reward =) taken from yan ying's blog (its blurry and dark haha) picture hunted but there isn't many who uploaded pics yet...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

lalalas~ i am so dead. and i am alive! =.= i noe i lame...

Farewell's on tue. thx peck hui 4 reminding me tat the need 2 bring an extra set of clothes means that the juniors are gonna sabo us... sad...very sad... think i got some clues to the farewell alr...maybe they're gonna throw us in2 the sea or throw water bomb or shoot wif water guns. ouch... =) worse is all 3. =.=

anw tmr's the prom night and I'M NOT GOING!!! ^^ hahas.i always sound so spoilsport...zzz. there's this big pre-prom madness that i am somewhat involved in...okie maybe i am not that involved in.wadeva la.

oh 2day's my bestie's b'day n i almost more pro can i get. think i sleep 2 much until my brain is not working properly.either that or i have studied 2 much. that's 2 far-fetched anw.

so HAPPY 16th BIRTHDAY TO CAI ER, AND HAPPY 14th BIRTHDAY TO HER SISTER XIANG YING ^^ dun think they'll see this anw =)

yea u can continue saying i'm too lame 2 be true... oh n i cut my hair must always tie it up... coz when it's let down its like exploding(in a straight way, not the curly way. if u get wad i mean... =.=).

ah bored. since lijing wants me 2 blog so i blogged. okie even if she didn't ask me 2 blog i might have blogged. now lets have a slightly longer post since i am bored. say i'm lame lor... =.=

memory's failing so i can't remember wad i did ytd. tat is really symptoms of STM. nvm. went to the agency 4 briefing 4 the trip to taiwan. wonder if there is any kids who are going. if younger than me then all the is those kindergarten age ^^. i won't complain that they are noisy (maybe...) the guy says there are a total of 13 ppl going.minus our family(which is 5), i think there are some couples or families going. hope the remaining 8 would mean 2 families.preferably wif a lot of kids. oh i'm evil =.= w8 how can this be evil? zzz

2day went whampoa(?) eat n buy fish(dunno ask my granma). then went to my other grandmother's house(maternal grandparents) n play wif my younger cousins 4 an hour plus. the 2 toddlers ran to their respective mothers upon seeing us. how sad. they so shy. well can't help it they dun see us that much. so left with my youngest cousin who won't run ^^ very good coz he's only 6 months old n dunno how 2 sit yet.much less to say walk. n he's so cute n chubby. he keeps laughing when we play wif him ^^. yeah one day i'll upload their pics. =)

then went to a japanese foodcourt at quite nice but some stuff are overpriced. hais doesn't matter la.then my parents and my auntie n uncle wanted 2 go hunt 4 ah kun kopitiam coz they don't like the sweetened coffee at the foodcourt. ended up the shop was nowhere 2 be found. the whole place was under renovation so it was very messy.and stinky.ah nvm.

hmm is this post 2 long? aiya dun care la. haha.

-bored... very bored. wanna go watch tv liao ^^ -
Jia Yi

Friday, November 14, 2008

O lvls finally finished! but i abit no feeling.dun really feel the sense of excitement anw...hais next need 2 adapt to new surroundings again le...sad. nvm it still remains a mystery whether i'll see any1 i noe in wadeva new surrounding i'm in next year...

exited from exam hall at 9.05.considered quite fast mah? but still were deciding whr 2 go.ended up going 2 hub. and caused me to walk until my leg pain >.< much =" going"><

the moment i reach home kana pestered by my cousin who keeps complaining about wanting to on the computer. so irritating. didn't reply him and went straight to the room. he ended up throwing a tantrum.(yeah and throwing soap on the floor and in the basin...wasteful) still allowed him 2 play in the end.n forced my 6 year old cousin 2 learn how 2 read the clock.if not he cannot play throw tantrum lor...hais somehow boys are irritating...esp my cousins...
*the cousin who pestered me to on the computer is the elder brother of the 1 who dunno how 2 read the clock. i noe i have 2 many cousins ^^*

4 *celebrating* the end of O's, play comp and watch TV the whole day. hahahas...
-legs soooooooo very numb...hais old liao =.= -
Jia Yi


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

be happy 4 me hahas.
lalalalalala~ last paper last paper last paper last paper last paper...
tmr aft 9 it's my holiday time!!!yay yay yay yay...
supposed 2 slp now.but i heck care coz TMR'S THE LAST PAPER!
i noe i lame...

-LAST PAPER!!! GAMBATE! the last paper's bio anw. BIO MCQ~!-
Jia Yi
siao liao~
play time tmr!!! ^^




Friday, November 7, 2008

argh so very confused. dun ask me y coz i dun even noe y.

still wondering how i'm gonna spend my hols... should i juz slack at home or go out and work? argh.i wanna slack at home... but thinking how boring it might be... oh crap. hais... nvm lets w8 n see (yeah by the time i finish w8ing i tink sch's gonna start liao...)

lalalas so bored... 2day is my cousin's graduation concert. anw it should be kindergarten graduation concert.sent him to the CC. he had 2 change there, so i was lingering outside the boys' toilet. he went in carrying the bag wif his clothes, then came out again, complained a bit, then went in again, and came out again, still unchanged...ended up dragging him into the girls' toilet. and he's so tall 4 his age. i wonder wad the other people inside the toilet thought...
it's still damn funny. his costume even got a bow so cute la.
after that went to the 5th floor and sent him into a room(exhibition hall, dun ask me why). among all the other K2 students he looked so tall.and fat.he's almost half a head taller then all his classmates. haha. yeah and his face still had that permanent sulk, especially when the teacher/parent started rubbing his face(most lykly wif foundation i think).

i noe i'm lame. nvm i noe i dunnid 2 say tat. but yeah i am bored.and sleepy. no wonder i'm lame...hais...

-yeah soooooooooo bored-
Jia Yi

Saturday, November 1, 2008

my sister's pet~ anw my penguin looks real retarded. (okie i admit =.=)