Tuesday, January 13, 2009

6 days since i last posted~ i noe it isn't tat long. ^^

got 14 for L1R5... n its still not up 2 my expectations... having a lot of trouble filling the stupid jae form... argh... parents nag n nag n nag n nag n nag like practically non-stop. i tink i suffering more stress in filling up the jae form den during my o lvls =.= wee~~ tink i going 2 try apply for poly liao lalala. i sot sot de.

my mind's not as crazy n mixed up as ytd liaos la. tinking whether i cold-blooded de... i m screaming n saying supposedly 'angry' words while laughing n smiling =.= den every1 around me all quite quiet de. hehes sry 2 all if i made waaaay 2 much noise ytd during results. haha. feeling more n more sot as the days go by =.= hais... tink its juz not very me 2 keep quiet familiar frens =.= yea lets juz say i am quiet and noisy, sane yet insane. hahas. soo extreme =.=

i'm trying 2 figure out whether there are more disappointed ppl or happy ppl wif their results. i guess got more disappointed ppl ba. though i not sure whether i can be categorized under any =.= most classes definitely a lot of disappointed ppl ba. but i tink 4E's the most happy so far ba. coz i didn't go take note much hehes. lalalas still sooo bored...

dad's gonna use comp liaos. n i nid 2 go try refilling all the options. zzz hais...
-Jia Yi-
PS i lyk wrote dis post at midnite ytd, n onli cont lyk now =.=

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