Sunday, January 18, 2009

lalalas~~ camp ytd was sucky, so lets all not elaborate on the bad parts. and 1 more thing...


went CH for camp 4 the 1st half of the day, telematch was haywire when they all started playing wif the flour n throwing it at each other. its soo bad tat ur black tshirt gets all white okay...anw i dunno who cleared up but whoever cleared up is going 2 have a hard time. coz flour wif water is soo hard 2 clear up... ^^

helped at the obstacle course, onli 4 our guides. gotta guide dem thru wadeva it is and the boys juz wanna scare the girls enuf. ended up i seriously dunno wad has happened to my eardrums when they kept shrieking when the boys brush the broom past their legs. anw there was 1 or 2 boys b4 the gals who also screamed like the gals did. damn funny la.

games back at MF was total havoc. wads wif all the flying water bombs wif the bad words is soo not a gd way 2 enjoy the war games la. cant they juz learn tat this is juz a game whr ppl are supposed 2 have fun, not juz go around finding more ppl 2 agitate. 1 min they were all screeching n den the next their faces turned n started the argument wif the peeps who threw it at them. are they like untouchables? zzz ppl cant throw at them n they can throw at them... zzz

oops this was supposed 2 be a more positive post. zzz

okie then it was dinner n then campfire. i am soooo annoyed that no1 high-ed wif me la. its sad when u're the onli 1 singing loudly (n out of tune ^^) n den u feel tat the ppl beside u all fell asleep. zzz cf's supposed 2 be fun la dun shhh me behind the parents ^^ i'll juz noe 2 shift my butt away from the parents n juz go somewhere else 2 talk. zzz anw u can't seal my mouth when i am like high la =) so i juz went to pester joey n yy. hehes. they're like sooo tired n also cant get high... isabelle's not there n there is simply no1 whom i sucessfully managed 2 influence them 2 get high... nvm wadeva anw it wasn't the best of campfires. muahahas. w8 i dun even rmb which cf was damn fun zzz...

so went back home n i reali dropped dead... hahahas

end of ytd's story? ok wadeva. ^^
-Jia Yi-
(getting sleepy again liaos zzz)

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