Monday, February 9, 2009

argh juz reached home from the horrible bus ride. someone next time remind me not to board the 6.10pm bus, or else i'll be a sardine inside the bloody smelly bus. if i waited for another 5 mins for another bus, i dun think i'll be that cramped inside the bus. stood throughout the whole journey inhaling in the damp smell, staring at the man with dandruff who is sitting and pretending to sleep for i think more than 10 mins, got stuck at the jam after turning out of thomson road into bishan, which just meant more time standing and smelling armpits. then thought i would get a breather when many alighted at bishan mrt. Wrong! another batch boarded and there i was standing with an indian boy's biiig (and heavy) school bag squeezing the blood out of my fingers. how sad that was. yeah and there was this super tall sec 3 guy who was there counting of the schools that 156 passes by. yeah n now i know the terrors of not ever taking such a horrible bus to np. i think 156 passes by at least 7 to 8 schs la. zzz... suffered motion sickness, only i didn't puke. be glad my stomach was growling like hell or else some pathetic person's gonna suffer from another sour smell =.=

hmm but i did see my cousin from RI on the bus. n i think i saw yong qing at the bus stop opp bishan MRT... if i wasn't wrong... coz he was wearing the NYJC uniform... hais... i thought i'll reach home at 6.30 if it wasn't for the stupid jam...

yeah had an unlucky lunchtime too. zzz... after alighting the bus i kept bumping into ppl. then almost went up the wrong side of the escalator. argh why must they go change the direction of the escalator??!!! zzz... ate korean chicken noodles (remind me not to visit that stall again its expensive!) and sat at a corner listening in to other ppl's convo. muahaha i'm evil ^^ then on the way back to the bus stop almost knock down by the crow that was flying sooo close towards me. there's some tendency about crows that likes to charge towards ppl then. argh... coz lijing once got almost knocked down by a crow too. hahas. maybe it's the same crow =.= yeah remembered that the 851 back to office was also super crowded. zzz. next time when i'm suffering an unlucky streak it's best to stay still n sit down. (though the bus rides are unavoidable. zzz)

starving and still havent eat yet la... 2day yuan xiao muz w8 everyone come home den can eat. hais... hungry la!!! argh...

-Jia Yi-

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