Sunday, February 8, 2009

hais... i am back here again liaos lalala~

ok i am really really feeling like scrapping my crazy idea. yeah i don't usually persevere that long u know... ^^ hais... but its best to finish it la. hais tmr got to go house visiting. slacked the last weekend so tmr's schedule feels busy =.= ok well maybe not compared with past year's...

seriously don't want the internal conflict to happen. let's just hope that this time round the conflict won't be as great. it's still so important to stay together la. at least for mine maybe there was some conflict whatsoever before stepping up. and it died down after we stepped up. well if there really was some conflict i don't think i was in the light. oh wells it's always sooo much better to stay united you know... and both sides should always learn to give in to each other. if you know each other's character well must learn how to use it appropriately lor. don't end up seperating sides and making it the -THE END- of your friendship. it's really really not worthwhile... (to the person, you know what i'm talking. i always suffer from severe brain lag, so sensible and non-sensible words always comes waay after =.= especially for the sensible ones ^^)

now let's think about why internal conflicts always happen in sec 3 and not in sec 4. hmm maybe sec 4s are just to busy with studies they don't remember that they are constantly at war with each other. but the end of the day they always happen to be enemies on talking terms. zzz guess that's better than nothing already... and the sec 3s are still adjusting. ahh it's just always sooo sad what... friends are meant for keep, not meant to make you weep... (well that doesn't sound very correct also zzz) now suddenly i feel my simple-mindedness does work wonders. and no my butter fingers never work wonders =.= hahas. at least i know that my brain don't always feel things immediately. and it doesn't make sense of some emotions and things immediately too... now there IS something sooooo wrong with this retarded brain of mine... hais. what to do??? zzz

okays this laggy brain can't think much already ^^ it's going back to the sleep mode after this. not sure when this brain of mine would finally be awoken from the sleep mode anw =) i don't make sense most of the time too ^^

and i am also going to sleep already. gotta wake up at 9 argh. wonder if i'll wake up... hmm... 7+ hours of sleep should be enough right?? ^^

nites all~~ it's a SATURDAY!! ok Sunday in fact. since it's past 1 now. took quite long to type this post coz was watching TV. lalalas~
-Jia Yi-
woah i practically didn't use any of those horrible short forms of mine that many hated!! muahaha achievement~ ^^

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