Tuesday, March 31, 2009

argh tmr go back office i sure die a horrible death de. soooooooooooooo bloody many letters to fold leh. hais... n its fold into thirds not half. not like tat time the film show liddat easy fold =.= hais... anw not enuf window envelopes so who cares~~~ if it comes anytime aft i leave le its soooooooooooooo not my business liaos ^^ i sound so evil. hais...

900+ letters which took the poor printer almost 1 hour to finish printing. pro hahas.n the stacks are nicely piled there liaos. hais... sadded la. n i still have my 2 cabinets of medicals undone. so dead~ yeah i tink i better throw the letter sending to the ACSI guys coming tmr to help clean hor. den i go do my happy shredding ^^ tink shredding's better den folding letters. oh sticking stamps are quite nice also. like wad CE says, no-brainer job. ^^ wahahas.

cannot slack tmr in office liao la... ytd slack 1 whole day so shuang... ^^ no1 care wad i doing since my office position dam gd can see wad ppl doing. the files behind me will be the only things tat see my comp wahahas. w8 the sides also =.= hais...

wee~~~ i'm weird =.= some ppl ain't tat excited abt my leaving u noe. esp my poor minimal collegues. n i mean minimal. how much can 2 main staff do? like now 1 going on mc coz of her leg, n d other is like superly overstressed wif her work n home. den left wif no1 liaos =.= sadded la. not my fault. who ask the boss dun wanna hire another staff at least. at least do the chapalang stuff. ^^

wee i crapping. as usual =.= my blog posts have always been crap. ^^

anw i can't w8 for the outing at sentosa la~ wee~~~ but the BA camp comes 1st. i in tat cuento r&b 7 in tat BA camp. dun try to ask me wad the hell does the name mean. i'm completely clueless. blame the camp i/c for coming up wif hard 2 rmb names... zzz...

so sian~~~ 4 more minutes to APRIL FOOL! n 4 ppl whom i noe whose bday falls on this date. hais... wonder who's gonna prank who. i very innocent de wun prank ppl ^^ wahahas. i go post bday tags liaos~~~ lols

happy bday to my maternal grandma wahahahas.
happy bday Qinglin!
happy bday to Jingting!
happy bday to Hamdam! (wee OREO rox ^^)

lols i super lameeeeeeeeeee =)
-Jia Yi-
definitely going crazy, in more ways than 1 ^^

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