Saturday, April 4, 2009

2day(more like ytd) is my last day of work ^^ wonder if i'll still go back n volunteer... i so guai la the whole day i in office 'mai tou ku gan'. really. rushing all my work so tat sat class will be in order. cant help it if it's not very much in order la. there's the lack of informing the parents anw. lets see how they will cope. not gonna wish them the best of luck ^^ wait better wish them gd luk if not they headache ar. all the ppl there overstress liaos. so should i say it was gd tat i left earlier if not the stress will also come to me. but hor dey have 2 survive on their own la. not going to bother ^^

thx sarah(my collegue) for treating me lunch at polo club. i'm soooooooo not gonna go back to polo club to eat. hate the food there. too big serving cannot finish. hais... hahas. n its ex la. but considered cheaper than other clubs le la. ate the dunno wad u call tat. hahs. super cheesy. bleurgh cant even finish. hais...

1st time in so many months i stayed until almost 6.30 la. hais... see i soooooooo hardworking stay til 6.30 n finish work. hais... n its not as if i finished ALL my work la. heck care. unpacked medicals: 1 half+ more cabinets. faint... who so free can go volunteer themselves n juz help my collegue shred paper. wahahas. juz 2 say paper shredding's a supeeeeeer gd destressing method ^^ but its super troublesome la. wads wif cannot put staple bullet inside n i have 2 end up cutting up the paper. super irritating. hahas. nvm i dunnid work anymore i shan't care less ^^ left ferroro roche on my collegues n temp boss's desk. left 3 pkts of cup/bowl noodles on another 1 of my collegue's desk la. wahahas. she nvr come in so everyting throw on the table. tats how it goes lalalas~

aft leaving at 6.30 den took 132 to bel's house for ICE CREAM PARTY! wahahas. cookies n ice cream for dinner. no wonder i'm hungry now >< again =".=">

oh yar the 2 ACS volunteers on Thur was like sucha great help la. 2 of them quietly folded ALL the letters leh. they came at ard 3.45 n started folding until when i went home at 6.05 they were still folding la. dam guai. heard from my collegue tat they left at 6.30. tats y i kip on saying i bully volunteers ^^. i only folded less than 150. ACS boys on Wed folded less than 200. 1 retiree on Thur morn folded almost 300. den that 2 ACS boys on thur folded all the remaining la. super pros. oh n the 4 of them on Wed were a joke la. u noe the stamp booklet is slightly more special wif stickers behind all tat n only 10 stamps there, then 1 of the 4 stuck the stickers thinking it was stamps la. lucky i checked ar. if not ltr all kana bounce back.
wee 4th of april, TAN PECK HUI'S BDAY LEH! wahahas. tagged on her blog at 12.08, smsed her at 12.14, n msned her when she came on9 at ard 12.30. 1st time i kip wishing ppl happy bday =.= wish her here again hahas. juz for the fun of it.
aiyo tmr got so many things like going on leh. w8 not just tmr. i almost everyday also so busy =.= hais... liddat how go out wif CE? hers is the wk b4 poly start she busy. i nxt wk busy. everytime liddat de la our schedules always clash ^^ she also quit her job 2day liaos~~~ though she waaaaaaaay more hardworking dun always take leave n work OT alot. not like me ^^ exact opposite. some more msning at work. wahahas i'm sucha super pro. ok i'm laming =.= yeah back to point. tmr late morn lj ask me go library wif her do research. well lets see if i can wake up 1st. ^^ coz i dunno wad i'll be doing there anw. no hw or wad. go thr read storybk only ar? hais... den aftnn got osiris outing. dun feel like going tat 1 so skip. anw i still tinking whether i very familiar wif my campmates a not. hais... nvm lets juz w8 n see ^^ den evening still got st andrews cf. dunno whether i should go 4 tat 1 since ce, bel n peck wun ever go. everytime leave me liddat. the super free yet busy person =.= hais... so lets juz w8 til tmr den say. wahahas. u noe HOL SUPPOSED TO SLACK DE LA!!! zzz...
sleepy liaos... i still so luo suo ^^ heck care la wan read de den read dun wan read de den 4get it. i always write 4 fun also. =) if those who read til here then grats u for ur kind attention (n much strain 2 understand wad crap i talking). wahahas.
no pics as usual since i'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooo not a camwhore~ despises cameras tat wants to snap candid pics. i'm soooooo not a candid pic person la. coz i have the gong dai (spacey) look. ok i dunno wad kinda crap i talking. juz 4get it. ^^
SLEEP TIME!!! a bit early for a fri nite la. rmb for me, anytime less than 12 has always been considered early for me. if sleep b4 clock strikes 12am its early, if wake up b4 12pm its also early ^^ big old lazy bum here~ hahas
-Jia Yi-
any1 wanna gimme anti-lameness medicine? wahahas. w8 better not anyhow eat the things u all gimme. always trying to gimme the most special-est treatment =.=
sth's going wrong wif dis. aiya heck care la. if it nvr come out the appopriate spacing then gd luk to those reading lor. suggestion maybe u wan 2 enlarge the screen. waahhas. i cant help u~~~ ^^

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