Monday, March 23, 2009

i am blogging from the office again. ^^ anyway my collegue's out for lunch liaos. i have the office all to myself =) my best time of the day~ anw i slacked alot alot today.not in the mood to do work u know. i know it has been like more than a week since i last blogged ^^ lijing is going 2 kill me. wait she always does. zzz...

ok so lets start from last week. sunday bought new hp. ok not exactly bought. more like 'loan'. coz of the plan in m1. so i got a new hp. ^^ then monday i dun remember wad happened. it isn't gd to have a super short term memory u noe. n then tues got class gathering. can go to janice blog read. i lazy explain. if not ppl come complain i 2 luo suo again ^^ nvm its a habit. habits die hard u noe. =) wednesday n thurs also dun rmb wad happen le. coz its all work n work wad. fri morn at work finished making a flyer in 10 minutes. =) copy n paste from the website n then added 2 of my sentences n voila! its done ^^ fri aftnn went np to config laptop. ppl come by themselves or wif 1 or 2 of their frens, i came wif another 4 ppl. if it was only my mum n my sis tat came i dun mind la. but imagine having 2 'aunties' in tow. n these 2 irritating boys kept fighting n quarelling. pek chek ar. stupid cousins. but they were quite comical in their own way. hahas.

oh i rmb wad i was doing on wed n thur at work liaos. i was shredding papers =.= clearing out the papers in the cabinet. see next time i'm not going 2 suggest anything more. coz i will juz end up doing all the things at the end of the day. sob sob it's so sad how they bully the temp staff
=( hahas.

still have to shred more papers. 1 half done liaos. have 2 half more to go. n its more paper shredding time! argh. juz shred like less than 1 column then the bin is full alr. look how much useless papers there are in there. zzz... there are like records dated all the way back to year 86 la. or 85 also have. =.= 20+ years ago. i wasn't even born! oh god...

yeah i chuck the staple bullets into the shredding machine so wad? its an old sturdy machine u noe. i have faith in the machine ^^ i havent start chucking those rusty paper clips in so u better be glad.

hais i love n hate this workplace =.= u noe they like to backstab ppl alot lor. hais... i dun exactly take part in it. gd i'm leaving in 2 weeks time. ^^ n lets see how cluttered this place will get if they hire me back next hire. =) i kinda find myself more n more indispensable. wahahahas. yeah there's sooooooo many things n bad stuff n who noes wad else in this office. n this is a small organisation n yet 1 of my collegue always say tat there are many complicated matters in this confined area. oh well i'm not staying long u know ^^ being assigned stuff by collegues, volunteers, and instructors. oh well i can n cannot be efficient u know. depends on my mood n level of boredom ^^ hais... more paper shredding awaits...

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