Sunday, March 15, 2009

wee~~~ not supposed 2 slp so late since i have to wake up at like 8am tmr =.= (or 2day since it's past 12)

had quite a lot of fun this week wahahas. u know the holiday mood is quite infectious... ^^ although i'm still holiday-ing, but since every1 else have a 1 wk hol i also in holiday mood(aka dun feel like working) but cannot dun work la. if i dun work, no money den no $$ go seoul garden eat. hahas.

lets see since 2day is Sun, tmr would be the 16th and that'll be lijing's bday~ yeah last year i totally forgot n asked some qn regarding homework. lj really killed me =.= so i write this earlier in case i forgot again on Mon ^^
Happy (advanced) Bday Lijing!!! u're 17 in less than 48 hours (i lazy go count the exact)!!! wahahas.

bought my laptop~ ended up buying lenovo coz the other screens looks 2 glossy. but anw they are all juz as glary =.= $1809 i think. dun rmb. should be ard there la. i dun even think tat aft working 3/4 mths i'll be able to save tat much $$ =.= signed up for the np foc liaos. better hope n pray tat it will not be those sabo kinda camps. argh. anw juz going 2 make new frens hahas ^^

Sat's party super sucessful la ^^ we really gave the 2 bday gals a surprise. sooooo fun ^^ omg havent laugh so much since sch ended alr. really felt like some crazy old lunatic. pichors are wif lijing. she said she'll upload it. so i'm not gonna post pics here~ lalalas~ though i did get 2 pics of the cake cutting ceremony. not like as if the cake cutting was super grand la. ok so let's start from the beginning of the party.

Met up wif them all at mos burger in amk hub (yesh it's hub again. argh) then bus-ed to kim's house, which is somewhr near mandai (i think). the moment pat entered the house, she 'ran' to the piano. so we got a pianist throughout the whole aftnn. wahahahas. anw she plays nice la. n Y PAT TEO DUN WANNA TAKE GRADE 8?!?!??!?!?!?! pat's super pro at piano la =.= her ear's super gd. zzz... den played wif kimmy's hamster which is like kinda tiny compared wif fei zai. the difference is huge la. hahas. the hamsters are all growing to be like their owners. ^^ then ate bee hoon. thx kim's grandma for cooking ^^ n all throughout the meal we have a free pianist at service. hehe. anw since pat ate sooooo fast =.= like i'm only 1/25 of her eating speed?? or maybe even lesser... yeah den laughed alot while LYT n bel were like doing the 'evil' look wif the background music =.= okok i dun really no how to explain how tat small 'drama' was... den it'll be the drama wif the most NGs... wahahahas. vid's deleeted liaos 2 bad~

then sat around, chit chat, listen music, 'dancing' like idiots, browse through DVDs, lj n kim 'quarreling' over wad DVD to watch, n ended up not watching anything, anw juz laughed alot. until i heard kim 'remind' LYT tat she needed 2 go to the toilet. like lols la. once i heard tat i know wad will happen next liaos. bday gals (lj and pat), 1 was too busy playing piano to notice anything happening in the kitchen, the other too busy browsing through the DVDs, n didn't even see the flicker of candles in the kitchen. bel busy playing wif hamster. n tats when the big argument started. basically between kim n bel over the hamster. yeah they were really quarelling big. hais... lj heard them n started getting worried n kept asking me if i should go over n stop them. pat heard n then changed her song to a more light-hearted one. n as lijing approached, followed quite closely behind by pat, n then me the last(no w8 i was still sitting ard), n lijing saw the cake(s). kim n bel start 'haa....' indicating the start of the bday song. pat was like shocked la. cont was another bday song for lijing. it left her even more shocked. yeah n aft the bday song lijing was like staring daggers at me liaos. ok maybe tat was a bit exaggerated. anw juz noe tat lijing wanted to murder me. not the 1st time ppl wanna murder me liaos ^^ kim had to do the explanation tat its not her farewell party n all tat.

bday gals blew out the candles and then we started giving presents. lj was like so shocked tat she received presents la. all the while she only expected pat to get prezzies.
then took pics as reminded by lj~ yeah now u got ur pics even w/o any digital cam ^^ took pictures 4 quite a long time, kinda hard to co-ordinate coz there's bound to be some1's head covered. it's on timer mode la so the pics ain't tat nice coz we weren't as prepared. but still had a lot of laughs la. then dug in to the cake. the super fast eater (pat) really really needs to learn how 2 eat slowly. less than 1 min her portion of cake was devoured alr la. hais... my teaching her how 2 eat slowly failed terribly. ^^ sent julie to the door since she got tution, then spent the rest of the stay chit chatting some more, listen to pat play more pieces, then played wii. my 1st time playing. won 1 tennis match. no winner for the other match i played wif bel. coz the screen blacked out coz of the lightning outside. den dey played boxing. it's like so very tiring la. i play less than half a min my hand super tired liaos... kim when play boxing she reallly jump lor. she kept jumping n jumping. quite cartoon ^^ (no offence) played bowling when the 'boxers' were super tired. halfway through then carpooled in kim's dad car to khatib mrt.

mrt-ed back 2 amk and went walking around amk hub. again. zzz... fri went once liaos sat went again. hahas. pat 1st 2 leave, then 4lowed by lyt, then bel. n it was left wif me n lj. back to how fri was. hahas. went around amk hub for the millionth time. legs numb from all tat walking liaos. zzz... bought a pair of shoes~~ i better dun get blister. argh. rched home at ard 7.30. same as fri. hahas. tat's abt all for sat la. this wk somehow qutie lucky kept seeing ppl i noe ard. saw tania at hub on fri mah. den on tue saw fang yin at my hse downstairs the bus stop. aiya juz saw a lot of ppl la. so dis wk kinda like super high =.=

omg 2.32 liaos. alamak. liddat how wake up at 8?!?!?!?! die liaos die liaos. tink tmr nid go sao mu leh. argh i soooooooo luo suo write sucha super long post... zzz... i must be crazy. oh ya i didn't mention the super super super lame impromptu card i made for pat at 2am on fri nite/sat early morn. yeah i told her to quickly read it n murder me if she wants. haha. its like all black n white la. nvr decorate or anything. juz the bubble font in front is nice ^^ yeah how much can a person wif such bad art do? ^^

okok gtg sleep liaos~~~ nites all~
next time i should put disclaimers for super long posts. so ppl can choose whether dey wanna read a not. haha. free den read bah~
-Jia Yi-
2.37am (?!?!?!?!?!?!?!)

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