Wednesday, April 29, 2009

sleepy now coz i slept at 2 last nite =.= slping at 2 has become a habit? lols. bad habit anw...

2day's LMS was boring. didn't listen to wad the cher say n didn't exactly concentrate on the movie tat cher played. hahas. instead spend the time playing the games on facebook. wahahas. ppl ard me also playing mah... anw the cher nvr scold. ^^ aft LMS went OurSpace@72 do DSS. doing tat excel thingy as a grp beta la. can ask if dunno =) nxt time aft LMS should always stay back do DSS. hahas.did DSS for like almost 4hrs... now left 1 exercise =)

ytd had BLAW tutorial. got an angmoh for the tutor. tat angmoh have sucha strong accent la. so many ppl dun understand. then he ask the qn super cheem. TA28 has such wonderful class spirit. when the tutor pinpoint 1 person to answer the qn, then other ppl in the class would msn tat person answering the qn the ans if dey know. so funny la ^^ all exited the class complaining abt tat cher. hahas. n we're not the only class complaining. the other classes he teach also complain abt his cheem angmoh. aft BLAW tutorial ytd den was lectures. had 2 lectures which i slept in for both. lalalas~ the parts tat can elaborate urself n not so cheem de i'll be slping. wee~~ 2 tired la... ppl ard me frantically taking notes as usual =.= INFA is quite hard. all those debit n credit really can go crazy de. some more the lecturer so monotone. aiyo...

Mon had 4hrs macroecons wif the same person then 2 hrs DSS tutorial. macroecons will die de. heng the cher let us off early. ^^

nowadays usually lunch as a quite big grp wif the class. fun la. makan place no space (esp hard to find tables for big big grps) den go OurSpace lor :)

oh n i tot poly life meant more relax, but the peeps in poly aren't relaxed la. lecturer alr said tat year 1 is honeymoon year so go relax more. i'm relaxing but the others aren't la. always mug de. aiyo... i tot 4A during O's alr very horrible. now the tests are still like 1mth+ away but the peeps are still mugging like siao. n they finish their homework sooooooo on time... i lazy do n w8 cher give ans. wahahas. me lazy bum~ as usual i shall mug wif them!! wahahahas. motivation to study. only valid in school. when i go home i cant get anything done. =)

better go finish the tutorial tmr. but b4 tat i'll juz go slp 1st. hahas. nites ^^ have to go cook again. 100% sure i'll be the 1 creating havoc de. wahahas :)

-Jia Yi-
nites at 5.31pm~

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