Saturday, April 25, 2009

ok 1 wk of poly life has past~ yeah it's quite diff from sec sch la. lectures are... boring. as usual. but have so far achieved 1 wk of not falling asleep in class ^^ ok small nods dun count hor? hehes.

wad i like so far is the can sleep late time table. but i think that will only work for the 1st wk. 1 of the days i have lecture only like at 2pm lor. tats the best. but nxt wk when tutorial starts i wun be that free alr bah... n 1 more thing. i feel like i'm back in 4A la. coz there's still so many ppl diligently mugging, like how 4A was b4 O's ^^ nvm these mugging ppl shall influence me to mug also. i'll try to mug as much as i can in sch lor. at home i cant do any mugging wif so many distractions de la...

so far the week's has been gd.(meaning it ain't THAT terrible.) kept seeing familiar places around sch, sometimes i will stop by and talk, other times my brain too slow take too long to decipher who is it that passed by. by the time i realised they walk away liaos =.=

ytd was the DANCE 4 FUND. well of coz i go there only to root for ppl la. not go there to dance ^^ in the end realised that soooo many OREO's danced la. think almost 10+ leh. out of 24 or sth. tats a lot alr lor ^^ then alot of the Cuento performers(gals i think. nvr really notice the guy side) also danced. yeah though i cuento performer but i nvr dance. nvm all the beta. at least i given chance to go OREO spotting... hahas. whichever sch that's supposed to dance we'll all be shouting "BA... BA~! BA... BA~!" hahas. so fun. BA 1st to dance n i still think it's one of the best la! ^^

2day supposedly went sch for INFA workshop de. den w8ing outside the classroom for almost 1hr then realised that the lecturer did say something about not having workshop for the 1st wk. irritating la. didn't rmb. lucky met another gal from my class. Lucia. so we juz hung out at OurSpace@72 til abt 12.30 den go makan place for lunch. a bit bit late for class. (so paiseh). then listened to the PBL stuff then aft formed grps. grp-ed wif Jasmine, Li He, PKD n Lucia. they're all nice ppl ^^ PKD's the only guy lols. so evil. wahahas. aft tat left as a quite big bunch. hogged the road ^^ at ard 7pm got HOPNITE la. only i nvr go. hmm 7pm i still slping ^^ coz at 1st didn't realise so many ppl i noe going lor. then only aft the tickets all given out le den i noe tat. so 2 late le lor. anw they said that it's quite boring n not as fun as the FOC de. so nvm ^^ at least i enjoyed once =)

yeah i joined NP ambassaders. think it's something like student council back in MFSS la. let's juz hope i get in coz i got no back up CCA. if really cannot get in den i go join some CIP de CCA lor. i too bored la. hahas. wonder if BAsociety still can join a not. not very sure. anw heard that nxt week got BAenvoys the thingy. maybe i'll join that too. wahahas. i'm too lame la. tmr is NP ambassaders games day. think its a bit like a interview bah. wonder wad we'll be doing...

beta slp now if not tmr cannot wake up la. hais... shakes head.
-Jia Yi-
hopes nxt wk tutorial wun be that stressful.
n beta start mugging asap.
n printing the many many notes.
pity that printer ><

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