Thursday, April 9, 2009


ok had 2 go sch like kinda early. tink nid reach at like 8.30 or sth? abit late so took 74e. nvm juz more expensive only. den aft dunno wad time den went to convention centre lor. listen dem talk abt the stuff. me n weini were saying tat stephenie's bound to one of them there going to give the long speeches/talks/personal experience etc next year. ^^ yeah n somewhere through whr they were intro-ing sth abt the signing up of ccas i fell asleep. damn tired la wake up at 6.45 =.= hais...

den aft tat convention centre den games lor. 1st game is go canteen 3 eat lunch. wahahas. but still nid coomplete some tasks all tat lor. den went ard the sch, play game. dun ask me wad games i played. i cant really rmb. ok i can only rmb 2. 1 is the 1 at basketball court. den nid turn 10 rounds holding the wooden pole, den duck walk along a line den hold the bottle wif water in between the legs n walk to the table. 1 plate of flour wif polo sweet n use wooden chopstick to move the sweet to another plate. not exactly dirty games la. only the chopstick damn gross leh. all got saliva de. bleurgh. so many ppl go b4 me. then wet wet de. yucks. den aft tat nid carry the tallest person using the rafia string they provide. hehes n we are the 1st grp to finish out of 3 la ^^ yay.

den another game is like throw big water balloon la. 1st pass the balloon using our legs, den 2 ppl use black trash bag take the balloon, den aft run n throw it to another 2 person holding a tshirt. n dey have 2 catch it. so juz kip repeating lor. competed wif another grp. we won again ^^ n d other grp smashed the balloon tat almost hit me. heng i move away fast enuf wahahas. ^^

oh ya now i rmb another game. got 1 plastic cup in the middle of the black trash bag den muz fill the cup wif water den (only touching the trash bag) move to the bottle as a whole grp n pour the water in2 a bottle. in the end we like kinda cheated. kept laughing n laughing non stop. wahahas. coz really dam funny. the way we kip screaming at each other 2 aim properly. hahas. yeah we won also. seems like we always win ^^ but this time is win coz we kinda cheated la. tink still got other games. but hor stml suddenly everything cannot rmb le. nvm

aft all the games, our grp since we like got no more activity le, den go the makan place sit ard talk talk. more like blow aircon anw. den slowly make our way to the cc n let our eardrums get blasted. cheering competition mah. so damn noisy lor. anw me n weini there zi high in the bimbo/confused cheer. wahahas. 'the sun, i swear, is bleaching up my gorgeous hair' lols. i belong to the 'confused' side. well beta den the bimbo side. wahahas.

then stayed back for performance la. ard 5++++ dey dismiss us. den we went the acc blg 3rd carpark n gather n put our bags, den went makan place eat dinner at ard 6. no wonder i'm hungry now. argh. ok back to topic. i ate jap food ^^ nice leh. wahahas. n some more $3.50 only. student price mah. go outside eat sure above $5 de. zzz... back at ard 6.45 to the carpark n kana shoo-ed to the cc again aft abt half hr to practise skit. oh the skit is like so kinda retarded la. damn funny. oh ya my role gd i dunnid say aniting. lalalas. but hor i still insist tat i dun look like a thief la! zzz... my role juz run in, shake the cap in front of the 'blind' stevie, n run out again. wahahas shuang hor. juz hope n pray i dun trip n fall or wad la. tats wad i'm gd at doing =.= zzz... den entered d dance at the end of the skit. n still wasn't so sure abt the dance moves. anh tikam.

went back carpark at ard 8.02pm (i rmbed coz i kept doing time reporting!) den practised n perfected n re-arranged ourselves in the gals indiv dance. while the boys were slowly learning their moves. bo bian la who ask their dance more harder than ours... ^^ yeah n saw another grp's dance. quite eh retarded. ok not exactly. but their moves are like so much easier than ours la. den aft loads n loads of practises, den cont learning the couple dance moves. lucky the couple dance part only quite short. den all becoz i chose no. 7, n my pathetic partner juz joined in 2day, so he had 2 learn all the dance moves like 2day, so i practised couple dance wif the SB. hehes. kinda getting used to the steps alr. not tat hard la. hehes. juz dun get stage fright aniting also gd de la. yeah n i only like anh practice wif my partner for like 3 or 4 times only? =.= cant. get. the. last. turning. part. i think i only get like 1 or 2 turns when i'm supposed 2 do more? ok lets juz w8 for tmr's practise...

yeah ended at ard 10.30, gals swapped roles wif the guys so the guys were shouting the gal part in the cheer, n they looked really like bimbos, (LOL!) n like hell lot of laughing fit la. suddenly very high when i tired de =.= n I CANT FIND ANY FOC CAMPMATES IN MY CUENTO R&B PERFORMING GRP... hais... if they were, they'll be dancing the mass dance during the 'just dance' tat song le la. hahas. but really damn fun la. the gals all quite enthu de ^^ dey dun complain tat much la.

ok now i got like a voice break, my voice went lower again. well i think i find myself in the same state as last year's guides orientation. sth wrong wif the voice box la. throat still very well. ^^ beta dun scream 2 much tmr. if not fri really no voice liaos. i reached home at ard 11 la. lucky i ask parents come n fetch. if not i'll reach home at like 12 =.= sad-ed. so now i wanna sleep liao la. soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo the tired. hais... tmr have to wake up at like 6.20 la. die liaos die liaos. nite nite. 'wa buay tahan, wa buay tahan'. lols i really zi-high liaos ^^

-Jia Yi-
still so luo suo ^^
n uber tired.
so nite nites.
look forward 2 tmr though i'll have to perform.

ps when i say 2day, it means wed 8th apr, not thur 9 apr... ok i still suffering from brain/mind lag, so dun even think of trying to correct me.

zi-high continues~

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