Friday, April 10, 2009

yeah very very tired. shan't post too long. if not later i fall asleep in front of the lappy (very high chance).

woke up at 6+, only like 5hrs of slp. den rched np ard 8+am. super early in my opinion (everything b4 12 is EARLY!) zzz... then coz a lot ppl havent reach den play game lor. indian poker ar? dun rmb liaos. the put the card at the forehead tat game. i heng nvr change card b4 n dunnid do forfeit lalalas~~~

rehearsed a bit bit den went convention centre. sat around, slacked,forget whether we needed 2 be there a not, den went makan place for elevenses (lunch). chatted n laughed quite a lot. alr familiar wif the gals ^^ aft lunch went back the classroom den played the game weiqing tch. damn funny. we were like there 'd..d..d....da' coz all the nicknames start wif a 'da' (big) mah.

(cont on sat~)
ok since i so bored i shall cont ^^
aft tat game den went convention centre backstg den found no1 dere. den walk out to the road there n waited for more green 2 appear. hahas. went back backstg again n cont slacking. practised the dance 1 last time (like no music cant dance properly. hahas) kept missing the steps. ah bother. our grp was the 2nd to perform. den 1 all the ppl in the cc liaos den can hear them kip cheering. then the mascot performance i wanted 2 see de la. den we opened the door den kana scolded. hehes. den in the end nvr watch lor.

yeah saw samuel n kumar daniel. they were in the grp b4 us 2 perform. dunno wad dey performed. sad we missed their performance. then 2nd grp perform i all the while v nervous de la. i nervous in the thief part n not the dance part =.= den can hear the crowd dam high. can hear they kinda enjoy our show a lot coz of their laughter n all tat la. true our grp de dam funny ^^ so many grps i still tink ours the best wahahas. so should i type out the whole skit? lols. dun care juz type. u all read until u all die not my fault ^^

Started out in a kindergarten grp, so the kids & cher exited wif the 2 male n female leads.(alicia n stevie, who are childhood sweethearts). Teacher says sth like 'lets ask alicia n stevie to come n perform the barney song!' (which is like kinda lame la.) den barney song plays n they do the actions. After tat kids n cher exits, left wif the 2 leads. alicia tells stevie sth like 'i have to go overseas and study so i'm leaving u.' (not very sure la i dun always pay tat much attention). Then alicia runs out 'weeping' n stevie is left heartbroken.
-next scene-
Stevie sits at the centrestage, den Stevie's mum comes out n exclaims sth like 'omg Stevie u can play the guitar! come come lets enrol u in the music lessons' (ok the mum said sth way longer than that) then they enter the house. then 3 gangsters come n make trouble. each carrying a diff weapon, a gun(really nicely made!), a giant knife (lols) n a small chopper.Stevie comes out of the house not knowing wad happen. then the gangster says 'ur mother owes us a lot of money...bla3'. then they start kicking Stevie n then blinding him. (yeah the 1 acting as Stevie really is a dam gd actor. rolled so many times on the floor when they kicked him la). aft gangsters leave, mum comes out of the house n says sth to Stevie (i 4got la!) then brings him in2 the house. (dun rmb whether Stevie got bang in2 the house coz during rehearsal he did). narrator says ' coz Stevie's mum has to pay off the debts, the sold the house' then the housing agents goes out, shakes hand wif the mum, n den says some magic word (yeah i 4got wad was it again) then the house will move out of the stage.
-next scene-
Stevie has to busk at Orchard road, n his money got stolen by the thief(mememe!! lols). aft his money is stolen, he gets knocked down by a bus which bangs him all the way into American Idol. emcee welcomes him 2 American Idol n bla3, then Stevie starts singing n dancing. 4 judges comment stuff (dun ask me wad dey comment usually this is the part i am freaking out abt the dance alr). but 1 of them says sth bad abt Stevie's performance n the crowd started boo-ing, but the judge adds sth on n they cheer. (really DUN ASK ME WAD DEY SAY) then the emcee invites the other contestant out, and declares Stevie the winner. Alicia would be asked out as a special guest n we go out n dance lor. girls 1st, den guys, den tgt. so paiseh de la. wahahas. we screwed up our dance lalalas~ totally forgot wad dance steps le. nvm it's over le ^^
-end of skit-

then aft the whole performance we were cheering our way out la. when we entered the hall again they were playing games alr. the guess the song game la. den aft tat was refreshments which we used the time to go chg. other performances i nvr pay tat much attention since i really was very slpy... fell asleep abit ^^ only woke up at the dancing part hoping other grps screwed up also. but never la sad... den took pics n went home le lor. idk who has the pics but i tink its on photobucket. dunno where the link la have le den i upload the link ^^

yeah the remaining was posted on sat. i go post on another post wahahas. wee luo suo de me~ ^^ wadeva. free de den read. not free de as usual advised not to read wahahas. lalalas~

-Jia Yi-

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