Wednesday, June 24, 2009

the lazy bum cant be bothered to find/kop photos, so as usual there's no photos. hahahahahas

2A'06 Class gathering on 23 June 09 (ytd)

ok class gathering idea started mainly because of a random class pic posted which then became a a trip to sentosa which then became a bbq. hahahas.

so it was bbq at tommy's condo (again), esp while the owner was at school n 10+ ppl juz stayed n bbq-ed at the bbq pit there. hahas. mostly those who went were all NP peeps hahahahas :) quite fun coz i was a bit on the zi-high mode, not exactly thinking too much so i was crapping quite very loudly. hahahas. (though i quiet down tremendously towards the end. weird) bus-ed wif lijing n KK there. then started eating almost immediately after we reached. didn't help out a lot so i'm kinda guilty for eating so much n not helping to cook... :) well, it's nice to see (n talk 2!) those ppl whom i haven't talked 2 in ages (2 years is ages) dun ask me why i nvr talk to them during sec 2. guess i was really tat quiet. :) hahahas.

oh left at ard 10+, almost half n hour of waiting at the gate, reached home at ard 11.05. thats y i hate condos. esp for the evil owner who didn't wanna open the gate, so we juz lingered around until i asked a kind soul to open the gate for us so we can get out. thank that nice man :) oh n muz thank lijing too. hahahahas

this is soooooooo what happens when i'm lame... yeaps i am quite lame now ^^
now we rewind all the way back to last wed...
went out wif CE, my mum n my sis :)
went sakura(?) eat buffet for almost 2 hrs. then aft tat went woodlands(i think) buy my formal stuff. bleurgh hate formal clothes. i look like a kid wearing her mum's clothes :) so embarrassing. stupid long sleeves n all tat. hais... i cant be that professional OL :)
tmr have to do the blaw... siannnnn blaw project sux. imagine me acting as a lawyer. unbelievable luh i dun have tat super strict kinda face :) so tmr it'll be wearing the formal clothes i bought to school. hais... it's gonna be supeeeeeeer embarrassing... doomsday la...
ok feeling so sleepy even though i woke up at 1.30pm :) now it's only 4.10pm lor. ytd slept at almost 5+ :) n i didn't eat my brunch :) lazy go downstairs buy lalalas~ so i'm w8ing till dinner ^^ maybe i should cook dinner early hmmm...

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