Tuesday, June 16, 2009

okie i have been back from camp like so long le now then i blog. hahahas. just pure laziness~ ^^

guides camp 09~ i think it's both a success and a failure la... success coz at least got ppl attend. no la success coz camp ended w/o tooooo big glitches. failure coz soooooooooooooooooooooo little ppl come only la!!!! in 1st draft, expected attendence is 30 out of 30+ guides. yeah like real we'll EVER get that. then nxt draft shorten to 20. reasonable la, but i still didn't expect it to be very gd. but actual attendance only like 6 sec 1s n 2s, and 3 sec 3s. (tell me if tats wrong). then 1 or 2 popped up halfway through the camp and then quite a lot left b4 camp break. still the sec 3s most guai ^^ and the more guai sec 2s ^^ hahahas. i'm so bias.

then camp 1st day damn relaxing. st gabs cf was ... vair boring. then b4 leaving for st gabs cf we were playing games lor. ahahahas CE lost coz she was smsing!!! conclusion is: when playing game rmb to concentrate. then kana forfeited do nobody. yeah every1 only like noe 3 steps in the whole song. funny la. n like nor only she forfeiting lor =.= every1 also pei her... slept at 1+ on 1st nite. then 3am kana woken by peiwen la. i was sooooooo sleepy tat i didn't noe she was waking me. but she amazingly woke every1 around me except me =.= how nice.i'm sucha sound slper ^^ forced myself awake for 1 hr for sentry. when i was there like all the juniors alr awake liaos. not supposed to de. hahas. slept till ard 6+ then wake up. pity me and my sleepless nites (b4 camp i only slept like 3hrs coz of the stupid milk tea!!)

2nd day~ breakfast etc, then drill. i only like said 1 command lor. hahahas. when i was supposed to be i/c for drill wif chanel. n i nvr scold ppl. lack of slp dam un-high then like zombie liddat brain not even working well enuf. some more got sun then brain even more not working. every1 else alr ready to scold ppl lor but my brain still in permanent snooze mode ^^ slacked alot for drill coz may took over. really pei fu them they very gd at training drill. 还是姜是老的辣. hahas. learnt some 失传de tricks. like that sliding thing when u turn. totally didn't noe lor. so special de. n so hard to do. the old ppl kip slipping back into their reminiscing modes so i heard a lot of guides many many years ago de stories hahahas. then they have sooooooooo many creative ideas la. andreas that batch nvr die out of creative ideas de. like the cheers all their batch write de den the spectacle holder hahahas. so cute.

aft drill is station games. cannot 'station' also coz only got 1 group =.= but think it's still quite successful bah. (coz havent got ppl start scolding them ^^) 4 games which the station masters (me, peck, ce, n edith) just basically travelled wif them =.= then was lunch!~ hahas. not i cook of coz it's not a disaster la. pasta that didn't satisfy my hunger, and also the peranakan dish tat joey n yanying cooked. soooo spicy. zzz... i should have ate all the potato 1st!! muahahahas.

mass games in the hall next. think it was crazy? maybe too crazy until they kana scolded hais... faster escape la me... either i escape or i totally blank out. which is easy since i'm half asleep... hehes. aft mass games i think we went to steal the eggs that they are supposed to carry around, where i only found 1. then i went for a nap back at i&e room~ ^^ so tired la of coz slept easily. esp w/o si peck disturbing me. hahahas.then 1 game of powerball then dinner~ outdoor cooking in the night sky... hahahas. 1st time for me also. as in normally my outdoor cooking are all for lunch de. maggie mee, baked beans, sausages~ :)

aft dinner is song n cheer session. world song every1 like really dying =.= then the other songs the volume dam soft de. so dam sad. i also dun dare sing too loud later kana slapped from both sides. hahas. debrief etc which i was still half aslp. then bathe and sentry till ard 2+. ate snacks n i prepared to slp. lie down for a few seconds then the old ppl tat side the alarm clock rang. irritating. nvr even get any slp at all. night drill which my job was to steal the bags. only stole 1 slping bag la. dun dare go steal so much hehes. anw they 'kidnapped' joey. still havent hear joey's side of story. heard how edith say joey struggle n fight back all tat. hahahas. really wanna hear joey's reaction from her ^^ night drill ended at 3+. considered quite relaxing for them liao lor i rmb my night drill during 05 camp kip running here n there. sadddd... slept till ard 7+

3rd day. busy preparing the games stuff so nvr see wad they do for PT. breakfast then play games liaos. wet games~ some games they like enjoy a lot. the sponge toss also seems quite fun though i was like busy running around. too little ppl playing le la then the games also not THAT fun liaos... bee attack can see from their faces that it's plain torture =.= who ask to have soooooooo little ppl. hahahas. so evil. bee attack a lot of ppl play then super fun de. hahas. aft clean up then debrief n prize presentation. i wan prize also :( the old ppl so nice give the yan yan, and kit kat for best camper. hais... why the camps i been to got sooooo many ppl such tat i dun get prize de??? sadddd... hahas

went home slept all throughout. 4 days of sleepless nights of coz very exhausted... i go xueying's blog kop pics 1st then post muahahas.

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