Saturday, July 18, 2009

i'll blog b4 i start work ^^ i'm lagging like waaaaaaaay behind...

let's start from ytd~ ytd morn got infa test. quite ok la. everything is ok when it's open bk ^^ then aftnn got dss spent the whole lesson trying to connect to the internet then miraculously the internet only came on after the cher left the room =.= hahahahas. spent all the time doing the pbl stuff. racking my brains hard coz of tat la. dunno how many brain cells i kill liaos. bmgt article presentation: we are the last group in the whole semester to present. n it so happens tat the group b4 spoilt the thing u have to plug into the com. then the cher was like saying 'this is wad u call concurrent control' n then told us to present it to him personally. so we were so special to do personal presentation =.= hahahas. cher was quite happy wif the points we stated :))) in fact i tink he was happy wif all the presentations =.= yeah mr leow rox (: mostly slacked throughtout the rest of the tutorial~

ok now thurs. blaw lecture was damn funny. no it's not because the lecturer was funny. in fact he wasn't funny for that dry topic... but he was in the other lectures before. it's funny coz 1st time in the whole of my poly life i sat in the 3RD ROW FOR LECTURE! like right in front la. the screen suddenly looks so huge... all coz of mervyn n lucia who were on their nerdified spree =.= they even bought glasses to match that purpose. aft lecture then did pbl. only lucia brought laptop so all had to rely on her to record the qns. we only kip suggesting qns (: and like at 1 time sure will have 2 ppl wanna say things hahahahas. make the whole thing sounds so noisy.

wed lms~ lms 9 to 11 only =.= then cher juz came in, say do assignment 4 then he spent the rest of the time staring at his own com screen liaos. only at the last 15 mins or so then he roughly touched on the fear mgt topic. finished the assignment 4 liaos. anh write crap about my fear. hahahas. then asked my fren go print the thingy, but in the end the cher who said he will wait for us downstiars nvr turned up, so i have to go back next wed juz to submit tat bloody ol' assignment. rawr. waste my time. zzz...

tues we spent like almost 5 hours doing the bmgt project. pro lor. liddat juz talk talk talk den finish liaos. hahahas.but have to go home do the report. WHICH I HAVEN'T FINISHED YET. i take ages to do. supposed to submit it to my fren like on tmr =.= spent a lot of time lame-ing in the library. hahahas. laughing until the librarian have to come scold us :) tats why never do your proj in the library. so far everytime do proj in library sure kana scolded hahahas.

mon hmm... cannot really rmb. only rmbed i fried my brain figuring how to do the bloody dss. the whole macro thingy is soooo not registering inside my head... n i still havent do my dss. supposed to submit tmr. dun care dss elearn nxt wk so dun wanna submit yet. late submission then late lor. it's not the 1st time it's late :)

oh i saw fangyin at my hse the bus stop ytd :) waited for the bus wif her. hehehes. ytd also saw (the heard more prominent) dongfang, kejun and i tink another 4i de person. they were like sitting at the back of the bus jabbering non-stop, n at first was like i dunno who were they. when i boarded i nvr see them. then aft tat heard dongfang say something '4I' then i pricked my years n started listening. muahahahas. i'm so kaypo. but i listen until i fall asleep =.= n everytime i'm awake i still hear their voices behind. so amazing la keep talking non-stop =.= hahahas. yeah i'm being a bit sarcastic. but they alighted same stop as me. no wonder i have to keep listening throughout the whole journey. i tink it's because of them i kinda had an instinct i will see a classmate, n so i saw fangyin behind me. hahahas. IF EVER PAT TEO TAKES BUS AT MY HSE THE STOP I WILL SEE HER LOR. zzz... n she wanna take circle line so no wonder i nvr see her. argh.

ok i think i finish crapping liaos. let's see wad i need to do
  1. bmgt report
  2. study macro econs. test on tues evening
  3. study blaw. test on tues morning
  4. maybe consider doing my maec tutorial since i haven't done it in a million years.

die la =.= facebook beta not be distracting me. rawr.

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