Saturday, July 11, 2009

remembered i should blog. hahahahahs

time passes so fast la... n i nvr really do alot of work =.= hehehes.

oh lms tat role play. on wed. horrible la. lucky my class the presentations not like mervyn, lucia, kumar tat class de (or weini's class in tat case). the envoys dam gd at presenting la =.= but it doesn't seem tat the envoys in MY group were gd too =.= irritating. stayed up til 5.15 to chiong all the slides for the presentation on wed =.= mind u it's 5+am. n then i woke at ard 6.30 =.= but somehow i wasn't tat tired la. weirdly. i'm more tired now even though i slept waaaaaaaaaaay more than 1 hour :) but wed aft lms juz went home to sleep another 7 hours. hahahahahahas. my 8 hours :)

ok wad else. cant rmb. super old n poor memory here. lalalalas~ dss sux as usual. n there's infa classwork again nxt fri. hais. then nxt sat got mfgg cf~ campfire!~ :) hahahahahs. my get-high time liaos. havent went back for guides like eons ago. hais... oh n i still nid collect tat cert or wadeva =.= go back sch sooooooooooo many times n i nvr collect it hahahahahahahahas. but after cf tat whole wk got like a test everyday. rawr die la.

YES AS USUAL LMS SUX~~~ cant wait for it to end lalalas~ :))))) it's ending in a few wks time ^^ but there's still the assignment 4 to go. hais... but lucky it's indiv work hehehehes. ok tired but ain't going to slp now. tatas~

-Jia Yi- :)
a bir lame la =.=

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