Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sun: Went some restaurant at bugis junction there for my EARLY bday celebration wif family. hahahas. 4got wad the restaurant was called le la. i think it's MOF something something. Knowing my wonderful poor memory, u think i can remember? :X

my food:

looks damn nice right? :)


Went back MFSS for teacher's day. didn't buy any presents for ah fam la. hahas. Juz wrote some stuff on the card Christina bought. reached at around 10 wif Weini and Christina, Qinglin and Janice were already there. saw Joey brief her SLs hahaha. my junior got so much authority hor :) then ah fam came out and saw all his students outside the hall n then he started chatting already. Weini told him what she was working as for a lot of times n then when Weini left for work he was still so shocked =.= so i found someone with worse memory than me hahahas.

A lot of 4A came back :) other classes also not so many people come back lor. at around 12+ almost half the 4A was gathering around Fam hahahas. Even Erica came. lols surprised =.= realised i haven't seen her since end of O levels lalalas~

Then went opposite school the coffee shop eat after we managed to leave (Mr Fam super naggy leh =.=) the school. our table all girls and we sit alternate JC and poly. hahas. just by accident la lols. took a loooooooooong time to decide wad to do, n left as a whole bigggggg group which crowded the whole 165. took another million years in the middle of nowhere, outside the pool place, and at the cinema deciding wad to do. pool was full, all underaged cannot watch final destination etc etc. 1 hour plus to do all those deciding la =.= record liaos.

in the end went Kbox with Lijing, Janice, Ruixiang, Kwang Yong, & Chong Junn. had fun crapping and singing out of tune hahahas :) long time never play until soooooo high with classmates le la. hahas. I'm totally broke though :X There goes my money in one day. shall have to TRY to stay at home more to save money... Well guides is cannot miss de la. hahahas :)

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