Tuesday, October 13, 2009

2day off day :P if not u won't see me here at this time of the day~

worked so far for 3 days le. quite ok la. other than my heel very pain and my legs a bit baika at the end of the day. but at least it heals after a night's sleep :) the 1st day was terrible coz i worked for 14 hours. like i don't even get to sit down. the most is juz squad only. the only break i had was half hour lunch&dinner break at 2+. only had 1 break coz not enuf promoters n there quite busy.

Sat went my grandma house celebrate my cousins bday. Shawn's n Darron's. lazy upload pics. muahaha. the 3 youngest cousins all so cute lols. Jordan (youngest), keep walking around asking for food, then my mum say he walk like a penguin. HAHA. but quite true la. another time Lisa was laughing for no reason, then Koni see then she also started laughing(well more like screaming). yeah laughter is contagious :P

Sun back to work, 12 hours, quite busy. lol. saw Mervyn at night while working. Ytd saw Lai Yee n Mei Hua. n also Vania when she walk past. ytd very very slack. coz no customers. maybe customers got monday blues so stay at home n sleep. hahahas. at nite the cashier help me persuade a customer to buy the green shirt coz the black one out of stock. it's like very funny la the way she persuade the customer. hahas.

back to work tmr n thur~ n then have to start preparing for sch le. zzz... sch starts next week...
Friday got 4A gathering ar?

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