Thursday, October 29, 2009

i'm sick! lols. i feel so groggy now. i wanna sleep... fever, cough, flu etc. like practically all the illness add together =.= hope it's not H1N1. if not later all my classmates tio then very suay.

Tutorials started this week le. n our class' advisor (form teacher) is the bcomm cher =.= the chinese old lady with a bit of an angmoh accent and also dunno how speak chinese... some of our teachers are very ... lols. this sem the chers all not as good as last sem de. the bmgt cher still rox :)

Monday during lunch break the clique played taidi asshole revolution. yeekhang keep cheating n think that no1 caught him =.= i never play i juz watch. very funny. then the forfeit andrea have to do. like so kelian la. forfeit was turning ur backside towards the cher. eh something to that sense la. Tues aft sch went watch "My Sister's Keeper" with lijing. very nice movie leh. quite saddening lor. Wed SnW badminton. the icebreakers are a bit retarded and it lasted like more than 1 hour =.= we only played for like 20mins to 30 mins of badminton lor. but still my right hand hurts :(

2day attended lecture then ITB workshop. felt damn cold coz i running a fever :( then handed in my MC n skipped bcomm. n went back home to sleep. hahaha. hate falling sick... tmr better not have fever again. if not really chum. no more MC le... next week bcomm oral practice. hais...

throat so itchy now :( n i wanna sleep. but i have to do the ITB portfolio first...

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