Tuesday, November 3, 2009

n i'm still declaring that i'm sick. hahaha. coughing much lesser though. BUT I'M STILL COUGHING zzz...

just received email from lucia saying TA27 class bbq. like so fast! it's on the coming sun. which means that i have only been attending sch for like 3 weeks then got bbq le. n i still have about half the class' names i haven't remembered. oh well... yeah but our class so rox wif all those noisy envoys :P compared to other classes ours is the noisiest so far. i think. :)

friday nothing much. just normal boring sch. zzz... the coming thur got bcomm presentation... hais. like sooooooo fast. n then i'm still coughing. zzz. i aim to recover by wed lols. like as if i can control... n i finished the portfolio for ITB. i'm quite very satisfied with it :) hahahaha. one more step i nid to do is juz to share it on mel. zzz... n i haven't figured out how :)

ytd went my grandma house n celebrated my uncle's bday. erm not the whole family is there though. hahaha. but well majority. n my favourite topic of my parents, aunts and uncle is facebook. zzz... should say all my mum's fault la. persuade ppl to take photos n then say later i post onto facebook. me n my sis was like diao...

hais i can't wait for dec hols! erm my hols :) going malaysia~ lalalas~ no going malaysia is not exactly the highlight. going malaysia with the whole family is the highlight :P but school work still comes first :(

hais tutorials and projects...

wk 6 elearning! :) wait elearning is not nice. zzz...

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