Friday, November 13, 2009

another week passed~~~ i want holidays now lol. coz it seems like everyone has holidays. hais. why poly can't have holiday wif sec sch n jc =.=

sunday's class bbq was fun! hahaha. so very crazy. n really great class bonding time :) especially wif a new class. well out of the class of 19, only 1 didn't turn up. wait i can't really rmb how many ppl are there in my class. oh well doesn't matter. walked sooooo much at ecp la. from parkway parade all the way to the chalet there. totally killed my legs. of coz i went back to sch baika-ing :)

tues stayed back in sch till 5++. spent like 3 or 4 hours doing the stupid itb website? anw we haven't finish completing it yet. muz do tgt then can bah. deadline's the 6th week. which is like in less than 2 more weeks. zzz...

wed snw killer man. those warm up are like totally on the eccentric side =.= then i keep on kana nagged at by coach :) oh well i'm not a pro at badminton. hahahaha.

2day had bcomm presentation. FORMAL WEAR. damn crap. I FLUNKED MY BCOMM! woohoo!! lol. went up there wif a totally shaky voice. then cher says my diction is not good. eh for 2 or 3 words. n i myself know my grammar was like totally terrible n i was stumbling over every single paragraph. n of coz i was going at bullet train speed =.= i guess i'm among the last few in turns of grade for those who presented today. zzz...

oh n i did jump the lift today. ^^ it's always like full. more than half the class in the list of course full la.

tmr snw attachment. killer la. better dun ask me run around the whole school or something. u know how mountaineous NP is... i only look forward to the playing part. hahahaha. it's gonna be a torturous 9-11am tmr... :( lucky the cher wun interfere. coz the cher's like soooooooooo particular about timing =.= zzz... n other snw sports coaches are like so much beta. kinda regret taking badminton... i'll have to bear wif it for this whole sem...

oh n i wanna go kbox. n watch movie. n i can't wait for 4a class gathering again. n i wanna play. well to conclude, I WANT HOLIDAYS TOO! zzz... i wanna slack. hate the number of projects for this stupid sem. suay suay got all the tough modules stuck in one. i think so far the best module is still cats. HAHA

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