Friday, November 6, 2009

LOL IT'S FRIDAY! ok not that much of a difference for me knowing wad day of the week it is.

Tues had fever again =.= siannnn then slept the whole day. start coughing coughing then cough until become fever =.= stupid immunity system is breaking down too quickly. Wed still went for SnW even though i was super groggy from all those medicine. late for 10 mins but cher juz mark me down. anw i had MC so i need not play badminton~ but i feel like i miss out a lot. nvr run, only did some stretching exercises (i missed out a lot coz i was late ^^). then partner wif some1 n i was just in charge of throwing the shuttlecocks. lol. n i didn't bring my racket. oh well. i better get better for the next lesson. if not my SnW grade suffer.

Thur bcomm presentation. no erm it's practice. quite ok la. cher says quite a few grammar mistakes =.= no pronounciation errors :) but if this is wad i get after speaking pure singlish for dunno how many months it's considered pretty good already :) muahahahas. i really am speaking pure singlish like everyday in school =.= not pure engrish but singrish la. hahahaha.

2day quite fun :P MIEC lecture which stuffed all those demand and supply curves n whatnot into my head. bursted. but still quite ok la. then bstats tutorial ended almost 1 hour early :) 1st time jumping the lift at blk 72! so fun la. more than half the class was there in the lift, then by mervyn's count we all jump. n made the lift stop at lvl 2 at ourspace :) oh it's a FULL lift. really full. the sign at the display was flashing full. i wonder what happens if the lift fell all the way to lvl 1. hahaha. well even our stats cher jumped the lift before. LOLs :P

I WANNA JUMP THE LIFT AT 72 AGAIN! hahaha. it's so freaking fun when there's almost 1 whole class of more than 10 ppl (wif some real huge sized ppl). HAHA.

CAN'T WAIT FOR CLASS BBQ ON SUN :) but i'll have to finish my tutorials first. n preparing for the bcomm. lemme count my tutorials... stats, miec, ffa, itb, bcomm presentation... how finish withing these 2 days.... hais. hate homework ><

KBOX wif lihe during elearning week?? hahahaha. i'm like planning for sooooo many things at one go =.=

cough cough go away.... jia yi wants to drink cold drinks and eat chocolate :( HAHA

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